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danjared said:
The only arms I care to bear are the two dangling from my shoulders.

(Did I miss the gun training? I only hear about guns in regard to wars and misguided violence, really.)
I certainly have no problem with your preferences, hope you have none with mine. Sincerely, Denny

Did I imply otherwise?

Anyway, I came here to talk about rocks and razors.

Oh, and Paul: Right, hunting. I don't eat meat (and barely own any leather), though, so that doesn't really affect me anyway. And yes, I'm familiar with the US Constitution.
How in the world did my thread turn in to a gun control/use debate :scared:

Regardless, thanks for the replies :)
IsaacRN said:
How in the world did my thread turn in to a gun control/use debate :scared:

Regardless, thanks for the replies :)

I mentioned that I use forums to look for information on stuff I own, including guns, and us danged Americans just jumped all over it. :rolleyes:
No need to apologize at all...

Its funny to see how sometimes a thread can take a life on its own :thumbup:
Guys, check out this link.

The guy shoots (nomen omen) great pictures, but what I equally like is the idea - you just go to a club, shoot the hell out of you, talk with your pals and leave. Actually it's not much on the topic of carrying guns freely, but hell, it crossed my mind and I wanted to show you the photos anyway. :thumbup:

That is a large range. We have one in Columbia, Mo. That is about the same size. In winter it's almost as cold inside as it is outside because of the ventilation system:)