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Could be, the HHT needs a fairly thick and freshly washed hair, when you say it doesn't work, how do you mean? A loud violin or nothing at all?
Also it can very much depend on who honed the razor, of course I don't mean to disparage your skills in anyway, however it is not unknown for "pro" honed edges to be somewhat lacking, did you consider taking advantage of our free honing service?
And if it helps we are working on suppling graded batches of hair to our members, so they can be sure the hair they are using is good

Ralfson (Dr)
I wonder if Bart's daughter thinks this is as cool as mine... Every time she sees me honing, she very generously offers to let me use some hair for testing lol
Also, a known good edge could be a double edged blade. I don't know if single edged utility knife blades are sharp enough out of the box, but they probably are. If not, they sharpen well once you know what the hht feels like.
Feathers didn't respond to my hair supply... It just goes to show that each person has to figure it out for themselves :)
The only way i got better was to find new hair. I was just about screaming in frustration at one point because i just could not get a HHT to give me the 3 that everyone says they were getting off the stone. It was possible after stropping, and as few as 3 laps would make an improvement, but when i switched hair samples to something a little more coarse, all of a sudden i was able to get hht3 off the hone (HHT2 on a bad day) without having to strop first. So at this point, I keep my fine hair sample for after stropping, and use a coarse one for when I come off the stone.
The HHT just seems to be very unreliable to me. If you have to go hunting for hair that makes the test "work well", it seems like a very unreliable measure to me.

I'm going to try my hair on a DE blade and see what happens.

The pro honemseister I was referring to is Ambrose... who is well regarded as a honemeister.

*edit* Well, I tried my hair in an HHT on a Shark DE blade and it popped. I'm still not convinced that my sharpest blades are not "HHT sharp". I don't think I can get them as sharp as a Shark DE blade.
One more piece of advice that I don't think has been said recently or at least enough times, especially with all the talk from the more senior members (not just you, Denny) about the multiple stones they have. Playing with many stones is fine, but to master one, especially if you are just learning to hone on a coticule, it is crucial to stick to one stone. Put your others away. Give them to your best friend to hold onto. The subtle differences in how use each stone during honing (not the end result, which is pretty negligible) is enough to be a burden if you don't have enough experience yet on one.

Ralfy: Yup. In fact, I wanted a newly-made razor for a very cheap price, and I just got a Dovo that was supposedly just honed by a so-called "pro". It looked like it was honed on a ~4k synthetic followed by stropping on diamond-pasted felt. (The wear and scratches on the spine and bevel face looked like those from a ~1-4k stone, and it is very easy to tell if a razor was stropped on an treated felt strop by looking at both sides of the bevel thanks to the grain of felt.) The HHT result was mediocre with lots of tugging. The razor split hairs, but I had to hold onto the hair tightly so that it wouldn't pull the hair out of my hand. So yes, be careful if you use a "pro"-honed razor as a reference point.

Paul: That's pretty cute that your daughter is so intrigued and especially good since your own head won't offer any test hairs!

Denny: Depends on what you mean by single-edge utility blades. The single-edge blades you can get in the shaving isle of a drug store will work. The kind you get at a hardware store is laughable. They're as sharp as a Walmart generic-brand kitchen knife.

Drybonz: I have never sent a razor to Ambrose for sharpening (or to anyone, actually), but he is probably pretty reliable. (I was too stubborn to want to pay someone to hone my blades for me. Fortunately (or not?), I have received enough shave-ready razors from enough sources to know how my own honing has progressed.) Ambrose sees a small enough batch of razors to actually spend time on quality assurance. I also know that he gets a kick out of looking at every edge under a microscope, which at least serves as a basic sanity-test. And, I trust many of the people who give him praise. (Edit: ) Also, make sure that your test hairs are cleanly washed. A bit of oil on them will completely throw off your test results.
danjared said:
I have never sent a razor to Ambrose for sharpening (or to anyone, actually), but he is probably pretty reliable. (I was too stubborn to want to pay someone to hone my blades for me. Fortunately (or not?), I have received enough shave-ready razors from enough sources to know how my own honing has progressed.) Ambrose sees a small enough batch of razors to actually spend time on quality assurance. I also know that he gets a kick out of looking at every edge under a microscope, which at least serves as a basic sanity-test. And, I trust many of the people who give him praise.

His edge is what I compare my own honing against as a benchmark.
garyhaywood said:
not changing the subject. how much pressure are you guys using when dilucoting?. I have good results with and with out pressure. in general i tend to use just enough pressure needed to keep the razor in place. I have used extra pressure at times. I no how much pressure bart uses as i have watched him hone. I can say from watching bart he uses some pressure, more than i was using. the only thing with pressure that worrys me is it is easy to get carried away and end up with uneven bevel width. As i say i have great edges with light pressure. so it makes me wonder . i tend to use as i have said just enought to keep the razor on the hone .



I haven't been using any pressure at all lately just enough to keep the razor on the hone at well, the edges have been good enough for me. :thumbup:
richmondesi said:
I wonder if Bart's daughter thinks this is as cool as mine... Every time she sees me honing, she very generously offers to let me use some hair for testing lol
I thought you were talking about yours and Bart's daughter not having much hair left and getting cold. I have a vision of you two starting to hone at the same time on far points of the earth, and two little girls running for their mommies and pulling down on their hoodies.
richmondesi said:
I wonder if Bart's daughter thinks this is as cool as mine... Every time she sees me honing, she very generously offers to let me use some hair for testing lol
I thought you were talking about yours and Bart's daughter not having much hair left and getting cold. I have a vision of you two starting to hone at the same time on far points of the earth, and two little girls running for their mommies and pulling down on their hoodies.

I cant help myself.......

"How is patches?"


Ralfson (Dr)
I thought I should follow up here to report some very positive progress as I continue to practice my honing technique. I was able to hone a Heljestrand razor last night, starting from slight repair (needed to even the edge just slightly), to bevel setting to finishing on my new Dressante (thanks Bart!), and 30 laps on the Thuringian. I got a really fantastic shave today, with that razor, and I'm very pleased with the progress.

Anyway, just wanted to update and say thanks everyone for all the advice here, and in other threads I have been reading. It's been very helpful to me. :)