Ok, so I missed this thread the first time around.
I have been having trouble getting good results with my LPB. Much harder than the La Dressante I had.
I just tried this, and my first time I got a HHT2/3 off of the stone and a pretty consistent HHT4 after stropping.
I dulled on glass, did about 60 halfstrokes on thick slurry(added a few drops of water), about 10 x strokes to make sure I was undercutting. Shaving leg hair good by this point. HHT was a violin. Went to just water, did 50 halfstrokes with pressure(it did darken the water some, not much), rinsed stone and razor again and did 60 x strokes on water with no pressure. 5 minutes total.
I will shave with it tomorrow, but I don't have any reason to believe it won't be good. Thanks Gary!
Gonna do some more experimenting with this for sure.