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Interesting result

The HHT checked just after hone. I shaved with ( full slurry in BBW side and jumping at yellow side with 80 laps on water)however i couldn't by the previous because used the same razor.Shave
was pretty good.
Best regards
Ok, so I missed this thread the first time around.

I have been having trouble getting good results with my LPB. Much harder than the La Dressante I had.

I just tried this, and my first time I got a HHT2/3 off of the stone and a pretty consistent HHT4 after stropping.

I dulled on glass, did about 60 halfstrokes on thick slurry(added a few drops of water), about 10 x strokes to make sure I was undercutting. Shaving leg hair good by this point. HHT was a violin. Went to just water, did 50 halfstrokes with pressure(it did darken the water some, not much), rinsed stone and razor again and did 60 x strokes on water with no pressure. 5 minutes total.

I will shave with it tomorrow, but I don't have any reason to believe it won't be good. Thanks Gary!

Gonna do some more experimenting with this for sure.
I had a conversation with Gary on another shaving forum about this technique, except the bevel correction was done on a (well worn) DMT 1.2k plate, followed by 2-4 sets of 30 half strokes on plain water, and finally 50-100 regular x-strokes on water (razor and stone rinsed after half strokes). It worked amazing well, for less than 5 minutes worth of honing. :thumbup: I also tried this with correcting the bevel on BBW with a thick slurry, followed by 2-4 sets of 30 half strokes on plain water, and finally 50-100 regular x-strokes on water. That too, worked very well. This was all done with a small combination La Petite Blanche bout, which is pretty fast on plain water. I tried the DMT to coticule with water trick on a much slower La Grosse Blanche with less than stellar results. Gary suggested starting out on the slower cutting coticule with a light/misty slurry and then diluting to water. I haven't had a chance to try that out, but I am sure it would work wonderfully.

Great thread :)
'm glad it working for some guys. I have performed the dilucot and slurry to water method on the same razor today. the first method was just a normal bevel setting slurry, then working on water. the hht was very responsive. i then dulled and did dilucot on same razor . i did very prasise dilutions and finished on water. the hht was very weak one at that. I had to work on water going back and forth to HHT and there was improvemant but nothing like what i got of slurry to water. I still carn't under stand why this is. I redulled and performed slurry to water HHt is a solid 3/4 of the hone except for a little bit of the toe which is a weak 2/3, i no this won't be a problem . I'm just going to test shave and see how it feels .I'm only guessing but its lie the edge is more than set at bevel stages then water refines and polishes just enough. My lpb is not actauly that quik as i don't see much swarf on water, not like my last one any way..

kg4ghn said:
Ok, so I missed this thread the first time around.

I have been having trouble getting good results with my LPB. Much harder than the La Dressante I had.

I just tried this, and my first time I got a HHT2/3 off of the stone and a pretty consistent HHT4 after stropping.

I dulled on glass, did about 60 halfstrokes on thick slurry(added a few drops of water), about 10 x strokes to make sure I was undercutting. Shaving leg hair good by this point. HHT was a violin. Went to just water, did 50 halfstrokes with pressure(it did darken the water some, not much), rinsed stone and razor again and did 60 x strokes on water with no pressure. 5 minutes total.

I will shave with it tomorrow, but I don't have any reason to believe it won't be good. Thanks Gary!

Gonna do some more experimenting with this for sure.

how you explain and what you did is the same as what i did and found a ice violin of slurry, i even had a 2/3 with thick hair closer to holding point.
i just shaved with the razor , while the shave was nice and mellow and great with the grain and across. Against the grain had just a tadge of resistants shaved but not quite as i'd like. this can happen in any case , dilucot edges can be a problem in that area if i hav'nt hit the best keeness..
