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Is this a Petite blanche?

1)Yes it delivers a purplish slurry: so it's BBW :rolleyes:
2)I think it's glued (I'm quite sure)

As the vendor told me, it was a vintage stone...and if that's the case, then we are not able to determine the veine...:mad:
Wim nailed it. Glued to BBW = pre half of the 1980's production. Ardennes exists since 1990 and they never glued to anything but slate, to my knowledge. Before that, there was a short period that Burton Rox (Ardennes' processor) poured a fine concrete against the Coticule slices. Before that, they glued to BBW. Until 1982, also Old Rock was still in business. They glued to BBW as well. A decade before that, there were still several Coticule companies in production, all gluing to BBW.

If the stone is old production, there is no telling from which mine it came. And although there are layers still available with the properties of this particular stone, it is quite possible that it comes from a layer not currently extracted any longer.

So, I'm afraid a determination will not be possible. But that of course will not keep you from enjoying the stone.:)

Kind regards
Bart&Wim thank you for this very valuable info!:thumbup: :thumbup:

I did not know, before asking you guys, that I had a BBW too :).

I'm curious to see what edges can be obtained from a BBW...I remember Bart was using a BBW with CrOx: do you know where I can find that video? Is that on youtube?
Well congratulations ;) :thumbup:

If you check the heritage section (I think), you'll find a pdf about the use of the BBW for honing a razor.

It's also possible to include the BBW in a sort of "progressive" set-up (see progressive honing in the academy).

Sometimes I do(just for the fun of it):
(1) basic bevel setting on coticule/slurry + first dilution(s)
(2) refining of the bevel on the BBW (slurry + dilutions)
(3) finishing on the coticule with water only

Chromium Oxide: I don't really see why you would need that !
decraew said:
Well congratulations ;) :thumbup:

If you check the heritage section (I think), you'll find a pdf about the use of the BBW for honing a razor.

It's also possible to include the BBW in a sort of "progressive" set-up (see progressive honing in the academy).

Sometimes I do(just for the fun of it):
(1) basic bevel setting on coticule/slurry + first dilution(s)
(2) refining of the bevel on the BBW (slurry + dilutions)
(3) finishing on the coticule with water only

Chromium Oxide: I don't really see why you would need that !

Thanks! I'll try according to your suggestion too :)