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Jacques LeCoultre Vulcano


Well-Known Member

I've always wanted to try Jacques LeCoultre Frameback but lost some bids. Instead I've acquired something else.

It's Jacques LeCoultre Vulcano.

According to its ad and its manual included, the set orginally includes only 2 blades, which is enough to last one's lifetime due to the blade's superiority. The set I've acquired contains 3 used and 8 unused blades.

So I'm ready for Eternal Recurrence. :)


The blade looks quite different compared to general wedge blades. It is thinner and not hollowed.


I haven't honed its blade yet. It seems that some of my cheap Japanese shavettes can serve as honing device.

Though my main interest is vintage safety razors, I've shaved mostly with my SRs for years. so I guess the day I put it to the test will not be soon.