Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger,
TDS Cosmetics Cream: evergreen juniper,
Timeless Solid Bar scalloped 0,95,
Treet Dura Sharp Stainless 2nd x,
Mennen Skin Bracer AS,
Arko Nem Avokado ASB,
TDS Deja Vue.
Brush and soap:
Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger and TDS Cosmetics Cream: evergreen juniper:
It was nice shaving again this morning. The Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger whipped up the TDS Cosmetics Cream: evergreen juniper from a new box and gave a nice firm elastic foam. The smell is fine, it looks like a little less resin has been added to the soap, than in the sample I had earlier, so the smell is milder and the juniper comes out much better. This is good stuff to shave with. The skin feels good and shaves beautifully.
Blade and razor:
Used the Treet Dura Sharp Stainless for the 2nd time.
I still don't know if I like the Treet Dura Sharp Stainless or if I like it very much. Used 5 blades and shaved 33 times. In one razor it's a comfortable shaving blade in the other it becomes a bitty dragon. This morning I shaved really smooth. Good, then he falls within my average and very good, then he comes in the region Rapira PL, Gillette Rubie or ultimate Kai and Wizamet. In any case, he is not below average. In the Timeless Solid Bar scalloped 0.95 the Treet Dura Sharp Stainless is extremely effective. So that I just like it. See and then I'm just on the edge of a nice blade or an effective scraper. However, the result is sublime. For the time being we will keep them in.
Result: BBS.
Finally: fresh and caring finished with Mennen Skin Bracer AS, Arko Nem Avokado ASB and TDS Deja Vue.This Deja Vu gives a nicely worn pine wood scent, which fits nicely with the soap.