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Jaques Lecoultre


Well-Known Member
I am working on a frame back with interchangeable blades. I have the #2, and #3 blades. The blades are about .030 inch where they fit into the spine. I am wondering what steel the Home Depot replacement floor scraper blades are made of. They must be a carbon steel heat treated to hold an edge. Do you think they would be worth a try as a blank to make a replacement razor blade?
Ralfy got me to "Photobucket" on the web. It works great. Upload your pic, highlight it and it will give you several methods of sharing the photo. I believe html is the format you need to share with a bulletin board, but for sure remember that the complete address of the photo is the shortest one offered. I will soon be corrected if this is bad dope. Denny
If I am right and you are talking about making replaceable blades of injector razor size, hacksaw blades might prove satisfactory. I used to live in the Philippines and the wood carvers there (professionals that made sand casts at the Naval foundry) used knives made from nothing more than a hacksaw blade with a tape handle. Remarkable work they produced. Denny
If I am right and you are talking about making replaceable blades of injector razor size, hacksaw blades might prove satisfactory. I used to live in the Philippines and the wood carvers there (professionals that made sand casts at the Naval foundry) used knives made from nothing more than a hacksaw blade with a tape handle. Remarkable work they produced. Denny
That is true, a hacksaw blade will make an excellent blade... however the Jaques Lecoultre blades are 6/8th wide (the example I own) and I have never seen a hacksaw blade that wide (but i could be wrong).
Here is a link to the one I own.

But you may be on to something there... he could practice the skill of making razor blades with a cheep hacksaw blade.
The floor scraper blades from Home Depot make excellent carving knife blades. The issue with using them might be the location of the hole. You won't have to worry about tempering the blade, as long as you are careful to not overheat it during the forming stage. There are some wood carvers that use these for their knives and I have picked up a package 2 weeks ago to give it a try. The cost is so low that I would absolutely give it a try. Be warned, however, that this steel will rust very quickly and must be kept dry and oiled.

Thanks Ray and Smythe, The 8 inch blade does not have that center hole. The blade may be plain carbon steel like 1090 if it rusts easily.