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June 16 - June 22

Omega Evo,
Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic,
Paradigm Ti2,
Treet Dura Sharp (2),
Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic post shave.


Friday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
L'Occitane Shaving Soap
Jayaruh #452 Synthetic
Schick M-2 Adjustable
Personna Injector Blade
Aqua Velva 5 in 1 After Shave Balm

The L'Occitane Shaving Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #452 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Schick M-2 Adjustable injector razor and the Personna Injector Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Aqua Velva 5 in 1 After Shave Balm. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

RRAZOR: Gillette ‘80s British Tech Multi Color Wood Handle
BLADE: Gillette Super Blue
BRUSH: Oumo 03 Venus Kaleidoscope 26mm SHD Badger
LATHER: Haslinger Schafmilch Shaving Soap
POST: Fine American Blend Classic Aftershave Splash

Saturday Straights' Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
L'Occitane Shaving Soap
Jayaruh #452 Synthetic
Wilbert "Acme" 5/8
Aqua Velva 5 in 1 After Shave Balm

The L'Occitane Shaving Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #452 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Wilbert "Acme" 5/8 straight gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Aqua Velva 5 in 1 After Shave Balm. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...