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June 30 - July 6


Tabac Tuesday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Tabac Shave Soap
Jayaruh #224 Synthetic
RazoRock Black Hawk
Feather Professional
Tabac After Shave

The Tabac Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #224 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the RazoRock Black Hawk Razor and the Feather Professional AC blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Tabac After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

RAZOR: RazoRock German 37 Slant Green Sandalwood Handle
BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
BRUSH: AP Shave Co. Golden Emerald Green 26mm G5C Synthetic
LATHER: Pre‌ ‌de‌ ‌Provence‌ ‌No.‌ ‌63‌ ‌shave‌ ‌soap‌
POST: Pitralon Classic Aftershave (Germany)

Williams Wednesday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Williams Mug Soap
Jayaruh #224 Synthetic
RazoRock Black Hawk
Feather Professional
Clubman Pinaud Classic Vanilla AS

The Williams Mug Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #224 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the RazoRock Black Hawk Razor and the Feather Professional AC blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Clubman Pinaud Classic Vanilla After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

RAZOR: MÜHLE OC Rosewood Handle
BLADE: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdgeYellow
BRUSH: Rudy Vey Butterscotch Beehive 20mm Silvertip Badger
LATHER: The Art of Shaving Sandalwood (vintage)
POST: OSP Sandalwood Aftershave Lotion

Thursday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Proraso Red Sandalwood
Jayaruh #224 Synthetic
RazoRock Black Hawk
Feather Professional
Clubman Pinaud Classic Vanilla AS

The Proraso Red Sandalwood Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #224 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the RazoRock Black Hawk Razor and the Feather Professional AC blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Clubman Pinaud Classic Vanilla After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...