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Klenzo? Royal Crown? Razor


Well-Known Member
Here is an interesting razor I got from the USA. I'm not sure the brand. I'm guessing that it's either "Klenzo" (marketed by Rexall Drug Stores) or perhaps "Royal Crown". It appears to have a plate similar to Barbasol razors (which were apparently made by Conrad), as shown in the photo along with two Barbasols. Maybe this is another Conrad made razor? It has a unique (to me) copper finish. The cap and plate appear to be zamak underneath. The handle is also likely zamak although it has some weight to it (unlikely to be pure copper, which would be nice!). The razor is more weighty than expected, mainly due to the handle, at a total of 58 grams.

Klenzo? Royal Crown? Conrad? DE Safety Razor, 58g, USA 1.JPG
Klenzo? Royal Crown? Conrad? DE Safety Razor, 58g, USA 2.JPG
Klenzo? Royal Crown? Conrad? DE Safety Razor, 58g, USA 3.JPG
Klenzo? Royal Crown? Conrad? DE Safety Razor, 58g, USA 4.JPG
Klenzo? Royal Crown? Conrad? DE Safety Razor, 58g, USA 5.JPG
Klenzo? Royal Crown? Conrad? DE Safety Razor, 58g, USA 6.JPG