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La dressante au bleu, dilucot struggles

Of course, for now it's all yellow side. I am just curious for later as from what I understand, the blue side can create a keener edge than the yellow side. I'm just trying to understand what is going on at the various stages, and how to incorporate other things later on if I want.
bart as researched that you can get a keener edge of slurry with blue, so you can set the bevel on yellow then blue with slurry then finish yellow with water, give it a go. you can also use any 1k to set bevel if you wish.
Yeah, I've set the bevel before I had cotis with wet/dry paper, got some chips out and worked up to 3k and it was pretty sharp. I'd like to learn how to do it with the stone.

Thanks for all the replies everyone, I will try this out again tonight (I hope) and report back. I anticipate better things. If it's still not there maybe I'll try throwing in the blue side and see what effect that has.

your bevel is now set but final keeness is lacking for that all spot on smooth shave. i would'nt redull this time . just go back to a desent slurry. if its creamy to milky it does'nt mateer. don't worry to much about the slurry so long as its not like cement which is way to thick. do 20 half strokes per half set so thats 40 in total. don't push slurry of the edge of hone at the ends of hone. dilute with one drop of water and just keep it up untill you are literaly down to water, this coul;d take any thing between 15 to 30 sets . as slurry get s realy thin up laps to 25 and then 30 it won't harm. just use enought pressure to keep blade on the hone . finish on clean water as usaul with light strokes , also when you are down to realy waterd slurry , when its literaly ready for rinsing of, revert then to normal light x strokes then rinse and finish with the same light strokes. give it ago . so basicly when your down to a real mist of slurry then start your normal light x strokes and then water about 50 on each level. i've done this and it just adds a little more relaxing finish and it works,. its your choice you can just go half strokes all the way and finish normal x strokes on water. then probe with a hair of hone .also just check the bevel now and then just to make sure its not growing where it should'nt be . ie getting wide spots. if it does you need to lay of the pressure . or move index finger up and down the blade to even out presure. If yopu watch barts video watch what he does with index finger.. i'm sure this will do the job.

Holy crap!
I just did exactly that, word for word, with an edge i suspected lacked something, and coming off the hone with a HHT3+! That's probably the best I've ever managed without using oil or lather on the stone. It was a like whole, slow, long old-style dilucot with just the very lightest of slurrys. I did the first half with 1/2 strokes, 25+, like Gary said and the last half with the lightest smoothest x-strokes i could do. I haven't been this excited aout an edge in a long time. That's some excellent advice Gary, even if it wasn't aimed at me, thank you.:thumbup:

Chris, do everything exactly as Gary has mapped out there, word for word. I rescind my advice re: the pressure. What can I say?... I'm still learning too!:)

Gary, when you are doing the final lightest strokes, does it feel as if the blade is "hydro-planing" across the stone?

Thank you for this thread! I have been trying Dilucot and have not been able to get it right. I had not posted since I was unsure as to what I was doing wrong and I have had very limited time. Reading this thread has answered quite a bit for me and will try the advise given by all.
I will try to work on the razor again with all this advise in mind.

By the way, I was improving but not quite there. Unicot still works great for me, did another razor last night fantastic shave this morning.

Best Regards,
Thanks Gary and Chris, I will certainly give this method a go and see how what I can come up with. I'm also glad to see that it has helped a few people.

wdwrx said:
Holy crap!
I just did exactly that, word for word, with an edge i suspected lacked something, and coming off the hone with a HHT3+! That's probably the best I've ever managed without using oil or lather on the stone. It was a like whole, slow, long old-style dilucot with just the very lightest of slurrys. I did the first half with 1/2 strokes, 25+, like Gary said and the last half with the lightest smoothest x-strokes i could do. I haven't been this excited aout an edge in a long time. That's some excellent advice Gary, even if it wasn't aimed at me, thank you.:thumbup:

Chris, do everything exactly as Gary has mapped out there, word for word. I rescind my advice re: the pressure. What can I say?... I'm still learning too!:)

Gary, when you are doing the final lightest strokes, does it feel as if the blade is "hydro-planing" across the stone?

i'm the same still trying differant things , pressure just nice and light , but where you can still controll razor and kep a stedy stroke. i speed things up at time s , then i just skim over the hone.
Well I followed Gary's advice (at least I think I did). Despite the TPT telling me it was getting pretty damn sharp, by the time I finished I barely get a violin after stropping...

This is getting really frustrating. Did I maybe not do enough dilutions? I thought the slurry was pretty well gone but it was hard to tell as it was still pretty grey, but it didn't look like much slurry was actually left. Or should it be damn near clear when I stop the dilutions?
Try stropping it. And/or, find a thicker hair.:D
Try doing 4 or 6 very light laps on your linen to clean the edge up. Then test again after that. I'll even do a few stropping passes on my forearm, just to remove any possible honing debris or slurry remnants that might be there.
Then try a full on, proper stropping and see if that doesn't make an improvement. I can see a huge jump sometimes. Like from a 1 to a 4.

P.S. That TI paste is on it's way to you. It shouldn't take long to arrive.:thumbup:
Thanks dude. yeah this is after a full on stropping... I tried using my La Grosse Blanche bout and it was marginally better. It'll pop leg hairs at the midpoint but not a leg hair in HHT...

I didn't dull the blade before honing today, and am now thinking it was a unicot edge... I think I'll dull it and start over with the LGB as the shape and everything seems to agree with me.
Patience my friend, patience. It will come.
You are obvioulsly dedicated to learning this new skill, so you've got half the battle done already.
Every time you go back to the hones, you'll make slight incremental improvements.
There's no substitute for practice. Hone every day, or as often as you can, and before you know it, you'll be there.:thumbup:
Well I dulled it on glass in case the previous unicot edge was buggering things up. It only took me about 20 minutes to get it from no SAH to popping leg hairs at mid point after stropping, and catching and popping the odd HHT at heel and toe using my La Gross Blanche bout. The size/shape feels good in the hand. My wife's hair (that I use for HHT) is fairly fine, but when Terry/Rambus007 honed it for me previously it would pop hers everywhere. (she has since then gotten it coloured if that matters...)

I will see how the test shave goes, am fairly certain this is the best result I've gotten yet, but I'm still not like "oh boy, this is laser scalpel sharp!" We shall see in the morning.


