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La dressante au blue?


I just got this stone in for free from somebody who did not use it.

I think it's a La dressante, but not entirely sure. It's bonded to a BBW with a very distinct line in the middle. It has some red streaks and dots.








I've never seen such a peculiar separation line.
It is most likely one of yesteryears layers form a nowadays abandoned mine.
The surface "rash" reminds me of a particular kind of La Petite Blanches, but they don't have the "pores" from yours.
I'm talking about the second stone from the top down:

Kind regards,
Maurice said it's a La dressante au bleu, but a rare one. I'm happy with it and the results it gives me. And I got it for free :D
mvh said:
Maurice said it's a La dressante au bleu, but a rare one. I'm happy with it and the results it gives me. And I got it for free :D

Free cotis? Please send me one too, I will pay postage! :love: :lol:
jeness said:
mvh said:
Maurice said it's a La dressante au bleu, but a rare one. I'm happy with it and the results it gives me. And I got it for free :D

Free cotis? Please send me one too, I will pay postage! :love: :lol:

I have a small La Dressante you can have for free! Postage is only EUR 54.50. Interested?;)
BlueDun said:
jeness said:
mvh said:
Maurice said it's a La dressante au bleu, but a rare one. I'm happy with it and the results it gives me. And I got it for free :D

Free cotis? Please send me one too, I will pay postage! :love: :lol:

I have a small La Dressante you can have for free! Postage is only EUR 54.50. Interested?;)

Going to be busted ... :scared: