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La Verte Questions

Danricgro said:
Bart, if you could get me a email address I could take some pictures of the stone with my iPhone and send them to you.

bart at

That would be nice.

Do you know that you can attach pictures to threads in the Coticule tavern. Just his the browse button in one of the attachment boxes and select the picture you which to attach. To make it show up in the post use [raw]
The number needs to be 1-5, and corresponds with the number of the attachments.
If you need to reduce the size of your pictures, this can be done with this online tool:

800 px is a good width for display on

Kind regards,
The La Verte I had listed in the marketplace was typical until used with an exceptionally hard slurry stone. That woke it right up.The slurry looked like it had a corner of hybrid to it and was also green but of a very smooth texture. If I scratched the slurry with another stone it never took the scratch.Completely different from LaVerte
life2short1971 said:
The La Verte I had listed in the marketplace was typical until used with an exceptionally hard slurry stone. That woke it right up.The slurry looked like it had a corner of hybrid to it and was also green but of a very smooth texture. If I scratched the slurry with another stone it never took the scratch.Completely different from LaVerte

Hi Scott,

You said exeptionally hard slurry stone - was it La Verte too or something else? What you mean with this: slurry looked like it had a corner of hybrid to it?

No it was something else. The only pic I have is rather poor but its the slurry in this pic. I found another no better I'm afraid.

I'm afraid I lost track. Sorry about that. Could you describe what we're looking at on those pictures?

Best regards,
Urmas had asked about the slurry stones I used that I found to me most productive with the La Verte. I posted the pics because I don't know what vein it is from but it really sped the LaVerte up that I had in the classifieds.