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loom strop loose or tight?

garyhaywood said:
patient dilution, how many dilutions are you guys averaging? i reckon i average 15

It's hard to say, Gary. I just dilute until it turns to water, essentially. It doesn't take long, but I don't count a lot (if I count anything it's just half-strokes)
same here, I reckon its about 15 maybe a few less, what I do do, is give it at least another 2 after I think its there, also I increase the half strokes to 20 instead of 15

Ralfson (Dr)
I always gain confidence to the point where I get careless and don't do enough dilution steps. At that point, there's always a Coticule to tell me who's really in charge. From then on, I do 20 or so. Later 18...16...15...12... They day in my country that a donkey never bumps twice into the same rock. For sure, I'm no donkey. ;)
