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Mama Bears soaps


Well-Known Member
In a conversation with "The King" he mentioned that he has tried/owned 40+ Mama Bears soaps.
Maybe he (and everyone who feels like it) would like to share his opinions on these soaps.
The ones he liked most or the least, heavy or very light as far as scent is concerned.
I'm sure it would help others in choosing from the many she has on offer.

Been a long time since I ordered one of her soaps but that might change in the near future.
Very nice soap brand. The quality of the lather is good. There is wide variety of pleasant scents.

And they have shave sticks too...
I have a few , and had a few more.
One of the first Mama Bear soaps i owned was the Grapefruit Ice , verry nice , but after a few weeks the smell was gone.
So , my trust too , and i sold them all.
Now , i have 5 Mama Bear soaps , and they keep there smell , so , maybe in the future i have to look around. :cool:
At the moment i can say , good investment.
Mama Bears is a Glycerine soap that is easy to whip up into a full, stable and protective lather.
The caring properties of glycerine soaps like the Mama Bears always appeal to me, the skin always feels good after shaving.

Keep in mind that the soap requires a little more water when Lathering up than the average soap.

In general, MB soaps have a stronger smell (with a few exceptions) and you have to love them.

The advantage is that the odour palette is much more extensive than most soap makers. In the portfolio you will find the strangest scents you can think of such as roasted Bacon, After Eight chocolate (Andy's Mint) and the smell of a campfire.

The Menthol soaps are refreshing but not heavy cooling. The cooling content is that between the Proraso white and green.
The advantage of glycerine soaps is that they are very easy to melt in the microwave.
Don't do this for too long, at most 20 seconds, because the soap shouldn't boil, so it quickly loses its scent.

If you want to make the soaps a little cooler grind one or two grams of menthol crystals and stir them through the soap after it has been removed from the microwave.

So far I have had more than 40 MB soaps in my stock and at the moment there are 21 more so you will understand that MB is one of my favorite soap brands.

Here are the soaps I have or have had.

Mama Bears Apple & Oak
Mama Bears Cabin in the woods
Mama Bears Christmas Forest.
Mama Bears Hinoki Wood
Mama Bears Juniper
Mama Bears Oakleaves & Acorns - Een van de lekkerste geuren heerlijk fris
Mama Bears Oakmoss & Lavender - mooie combinatie
Mama Bears Polynesian Red - heerlijk
Mama Bears Siberian Fir Needle
Mama Bears Welcome Home - voor mij de mooiste Kerstgeur
Mama Bears Bear Ice
Mama Bears Lemon Ice
Mama Bears Lime Cilantro Ice - Een van mijn absolute favorieten
Mama Bears Peppermint Ice
Mama Bears Sleigh Ride -
Mama Bears Andy's Mint
Mama Bears Awakenings scheerstick*
Mama Bears Awakenings
Mama Bears Bounty
Mama Bears British Leather
Mama Bears Carribian Bay Rum
Mama Bears Diogenes Club
Mama Bears Element of Bamboo
Mama Bears Gentleman
Mama Bears Grapefruit Ice
Mama Bears Hydrogen
Mama Bears Il Siciliano
Mama Bears Lavender & Peppermint
Mama Bears Lily of the Valley
Mama Bears Lime Oil
Mama Bears Phoenix Rising
Mama Bears Sandalwood Rose
Mama Bears SeaMoss
Mama Bears Sensual Fragrance
Mama Bears Sleigh Ride
Mama Bears The Club
Mama Bears Victorian Violets
Mama Bears Y Olde Barbershop -
Mama Bears Rosemary Mint
Mama Bears Spicey Lime
I have a few , and had a few more.
One of the first Mama Bear soaps i owned was the Grapefruit Ice , verry nice , but after a few weeks the smell was gone.
So , my trust too , and i sold them all.
Now , i have 5 Mama Bear soaps , and they keep there smell , so , maybe in the future i have to look around. :cool:
At the moment i can say , good investment.

To give up trust in a brand after one lightly scented soap is very quickly Jaap.

MB knows some soaps that are lightly scented usually are her soaps with essential oils such as the Lime and therefore also the Grapefruit.

Sometimes it is mentioned with a soap that the smell is light but not with all soaps and that is a shortcoming.

But in general her soaps are strong in smell.
Hans, you're forgetting the Iceberg Ice, I still enjoy that one.
I did get a sample of the Awakenings, which was even better!
Agree with te previous.
To me the most appealing scents are:
- Cabin in the Woods
- Oak Leaves & Acorns
- Bonsai
- Hydrogen
- Elements of Bamboo
And yes, they have very special scents. This was on Facebook today:


Very Unique :)
Mama bear...
Good soap... good lather and is nurturing. I've had a lot of them, hopes have gone up during use. Some I gave away.
Regarding menthol, they're pleasant, although not as refreshing as some others. Her soaps based on current perfumes are often 1 on 1. And very tasty. E.g. (Dublin tweet. /Gentleman /aqua di gio.

My all time favorite is Wood
But also the Aromatic Pipe Tobacco Kentucky Bourbon and Morning Cup, Black Coffee... dragon blood are tasty

There are also lesser odors... e.g. fireplace...I love burning fire in the garden but this one stank... by the way,ithis one ended up in the garbage can.