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March 2 - March 8


Well-Known Member

Lather Catcher Sunday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Van Der Hagen Luxury Shave Soap
Jayaruh #424 Synthetic
C.V. Heljestrand Lather Catcher
C.V. Heljestrand Wedge
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Duru Cologne
View attachment 40306
Sunday Shave
RAZOR: Blackland Sabre Polished Level 2
BLADE: Personna Coated Gem
BRUSH: Restored Ever-Ready 18mm Silvertip Badger
LATHER: The Art Of Shaving Sandalwood (vintage Valobra)
POST: Taylor Of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Aftershave Lotion
Blackland has been my favourite razor company since i bevande to be intreagued by the wet shaving world : i own only the
Blackland has been my favourite razor company since i bevande to be intreagued by the wet shaving world : i own only the
Blackbird right now, but i'm very curiosità about the Sabre that user GEM blades. I'm also very impressed about the Ospray : a completely new adjastable safety rrazor with brillante soluzione regarding the handle.
Unfortunately i wasn't fast enough to grab one of the new SE that they made in their workshop: it's very futuristic with his rectangular shape at a resonable price.
I would like to know which is your opinion about Sabre and about Blackland in general.
My very best regards.
Blackbird right now, but i'm very curiosità about the Sabre that user GEM blades. I'm also very impressed about the Ospray : a completely new adjastable safety rrazor with brillante soluzione regarding the handle.
Unfortunately i wasn't fast enough to grab one of the new SE that they made in their workshop: it's very futuristic with his rectangular shape at a resonable price.
I would like to know which is your opinion about Sabre and about Blackland in general.
My very best regards.
I think Black land is one of the better razor manufacturers, and I have a number of their razors. I like the Sabrre. both the original and newest versions. However, I still prefer an Artist Club single edge razor to the Gem style. For me there is no better single edge than the Blackland Vector.
Another manufacturer I like and whose razors I consider on a par with Blackland is Timeless Razors.
BTW: Welcome to the forum.

Menthol Monday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Tea Tree Body Bar
Jayaruh #465 Synthetic
Gem Damaskeene
Personna Gem Stainless PTFE
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Mennen Skin Bracer AS

The Tea Tree Body Bar lathered well with Jayaruh #465 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gem Damaskeene razor and the Personna Gem Stainless PTFE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Mennen Skin Bracer After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

Tuesday Save
RAZOR: Above The Tie Windsor SE1
BLADE: Kai Captain Mild PINK
BRUSH: Zingari Man 26 mm V11 fanchurian
LATHER: Czech and Speake No 88 (vintage Valobra)
POST: Ethos Mélange d’agrumes Skin Food Splash
Razor: The Goodfellas’ smile safety razor Syntesi
Blade: Astra Green
Soap: Extro 1923
Brush: AP Shave CO 28mm Synbad Winter handle
Aftershave: Extro 1923 Aftershave
Aftershave: Extro 1923 Crema