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March 23 - March 30


Above The Tie Windsor SE1 * Schick Proline (D1)
Moon Soaps "X-Mas '22" 26mm 2-Band Badger Fan
Boellis Panama 1924 Coffret Shave Soap * Moon Soaps Amaretto​

Saturday Straights' Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Art Razor Pleasure of Art Shaving Soap
Bethlehem Olive Wood Silvertip
H. Böker 5/8
Dickenson's Witch Hazel
Pinaud Citrus Musk EDC

The Art Razor Pleasure of Art Shaving Soap lathered well with the Bethlehem Olive Wood Silvertip Badger. Two passes and touch ups with the H. Böker 5/8 Straight gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Dickenson's Witch Hazel and Pinaud Citrus Musk EDC. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...