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March 29th till April 4th


Well-Known Member
Razor: Merkur 34C HD (Germany)
Blade: Hema (Netherlands)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: Monsavon (France)
Brush: AP Shave Co 24mm Tuxedo Blue Lagoon handle (Canada)
Aftershave: Di Barba Aluin (Italy)
Aftershave: Williams Aqua Velva (UK)
Aftershave: Adam’s After Shave Balm (Hungary)
EDT: None
Mühle Silvertip Fibre® 21mm,
Razor Master Daichi (Gember Bergamot),
Gem Damaskeene,
Gem Personna Pfte 3e x,
Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Kolonya Klasik Limon,
Vivo Per Lei Hyacinth Hand & Body Lotion,
Pinaud-Clubman Citrus Musk Eau de Cologne.

Last Friday i had a nice small trade with The King.
And a few things i used in the recent SOTD.
Razor , Fatip lo Storto SB slant.
Blade , Personna Platinum Chrome (1).
Brush , Silvertip Badger Hans Baier.
Soap , Alphe &Becs Mandarin.
AS , Rasozero Barbacco.
3 Passes , nice , clean and smooth.
The soap is a dream to use , smells great.
The Fatip i have to use a few times more to get used to it , but this shave was not bad at all.
Heljestrand SE with Heljestrand wedge
Acca Kappa Muschio Bianco shaving soap
Shavemac D01 silvertip 24mm ASB
Iwasaki SK 1/4
The Heljestrand wedge was just missing the final sharpness, and after the first pass I finished the shave with the Iwasaki, so BBS in the end :)

Pre-Shave: Bleubeards Revenge
Shaving Soap / Cream: Stirling Deep Bleu Sea

Aftershave: Davidoff Cool Water
Aftershave Balm: Davidoff Cool Water
Eau de Toilette: Davidoff Cool Water

Shaving Brush: Hans Beier Silvertip 25,5 mm.

DE-Razor: QShave
DE-Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus 1x

Also the 2nd deployment of the Hans Baier did not appeal to me. Wet there is almost no loft left and those hairs are stinging.

Now I also usually have SHD brushes which are much more pleasant to use.
But even the regular 24mm Shavemac has twice as much hair in it, although the price is for that.
AP Shave Co Cashmere 30mm
Mama Bears - Oak Leaves & Acorns
Paradigm Diamondback
Gillette Rubie (2)
Humprey’s Pure Organic
Barrister & Mann - Le Grand Chypre AS

This soap of Mama Bears has for me the best smell! A fantastic shave with a close result.
Razor: Merkur 34C HD (Germany)
Blade: Hema (Netherlands)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: Monsavon (France)
Brush: AP Shave Co 24mm Tuxedo Blue Lagoon handle (Canada)
Aftershave: Di Barba Aluin (Italy)
Aftershave: Williams Aqua Velva (UK)
Aftershave: Adam’s After Shave Balm (Hungary)
EDT: None
M-keramiek scuttle
Speick shaving stick
Omega barber style boar brush
Bakelite mulcuto humpback + Lord ss #2
Dickinsons witch hazel
Pinauld clubman AS, isana ultrasensitive balsem

Two pass and the stubble had gone. The brush is getting better. Great lather and nice to paint your face with it.

Pre-Shave: Bleubeards Revenge
Shaving Soap / Cream: Local Gents Eucalyptus Mint

Aftershave: Proraso Green
Aftershave Balm: Prep

Shaving Brush: OUMO 30 mm. Fan SHD HMW Silvertip gel tip

DE-Razor: Paradigm Diamondback / Stork Titanium Aristrocat
DE-Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus 2x
Paladin Buck Rogers 26mm 2CSNL3 fan, Cobalt
Extro - Felce Biancospino
Zwilling (t)
Voskhod (2)

Soap was a sampe given to me by @maranatha . Amazingly enough only the fourth slant this year so far.