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May 19 - May 25


GEM Junior Single Edge Razor * GEM Super Stainless (D1)
Zingari Man 26mm SHD Manchurian badger
Penhaligon's English Fern Tallow Shaving Soap (vintage)
Pitralon Classic Aftershave (Germany)​

Saturday Straights' Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Arko Shave Stick
Jayaruh #119 Synthetic
Wade & Butcher 5/8
Mennen Skin Bracer

The Arko Shave Stick lathered well with the Jayaruh #119 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Wade & Butcher 5/8 Straight Razor gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Mennen Skin Bracer After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
Received the Tatara Muramasa in Titanium from Portugal on Friday so today the shave is done with
Tatara Muramasa Titanium
Permasharp Blade
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Pre-Shave Oil
Saponifico Varesino Cubebe hard soap
Saponifico Varesino Cubebe after shave.
The Titanium Muramasa feels like a feather compared to it's Stainless brother...

RAZOR: Gillette '40s Briish Flat Bottom Tech Green Sandalwood Handle
BLADE: British Wilkinson Sword (NOS)
BRUSH: Oumo 01 Venus 26mm Fire Color SHD Badger
LATHER: Truefitt & Hill Apsley Luxury Shaving Soap
POST: Ethos Mélange d’agrumes Skin Food Splash
Noxzema preshave cream
Linkidea scuttle
Böker kosmo synthetic brush
Cyril Salter shaving soap
AD la faulx + feather professional blade
De vergulde hand alum
Dickinson witch hazel
Ombia men classic as, Nishman iceberg as balm