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May I have a Coticule identified please?


Well-Known Member
It is approximately 6x1 and slate backed. This is the best pic I have right now. I should the stone Monday or Tuesday if better pics are needed. I do thank you in advance for any assistance you may offer.
La Grise or La Nouvelle Veine. When I see a well-focussed picture of the side, I can probably tell more.

Kind regards,
Here is the only other pic I have if it no help no need to reply again. Thank you very much Bart. In my pursuit of my favorite size I wanted to try a pretty narrow one and this was affordable.
If there are several very thin blue lines running lengthwise at the side of the Coticule part, it is without much doubt a La Nouvelle Veine.
If there are no such blue hairlines, it's a La Grise.

Kind regards,
I love "razor-box" sized" hones. I suspect it's because they fit well in the hand (I am nor a bench honer) and that one looks like a peach.:thumbup: