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Middle Eastern Double Edged Safety Razors


Well-Known Member
Hi. I have a heavy, metal razor marked "Approved by D.W.P. Palestine". It only cost me 1 Euro if you don't count the shipping and the re-plating! I believe D.W.P. stands for Decent Work Program. It's been re-plated, twice actually, because the plating didn't "take" the first time as the metal was apparently kind of porous. It has a nice hard shell now! It's a nice shaver too. I know there may be a few other razors from this part of the world (likely mainly the Gillette like American Safety Razor brand) but I would be happy to see them if anyone wishes to share. Thanks.

D.W.P. Palestine Safety Razor, Replated Gold 1.JPGD.W.P. Palestine Safety Razor, Replated Gold 2.JPGD.W.P. Palestine Safety Razor, Replated Gold 3.JPGD.W.P. Palestine Safety Razor, Replated Gold 4.JPGD.W.P. Palestine Safety Razor, Replated Gold 5.JPG
This is the second time I see a razor from the middle east. The head has an Spanish/Italian vibe. They love the head to be curvy.