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My first coti, unknown layer


Well-Known Member
Hi there! :)

My first coticule arrived, and im very excited about it. Its 150x40 standard. I tried it out, and my first impression is that its a hard and slow one, slurry darkens very slowly as I can tell. Its color is grey, and it has brown dots in it. Any suggestions on layer, and use of it?

Here are some pictures:

Sounds and looks a lot like a la verte. If it is, count yourself lucky because they might be slower but they produce wonderful edges. With the dilucot method, it is hard to raise thicker slurry, but you don't need it. Do a normal, slow dilucot with the slurry you get from normal slurry stone production and the edge will refine linearly. YT, Denny
Nevermind, one of the pictures finally loaded. Yes, that's a La Verte. Take Denny's advice and perhaps look at the other La Verte in the vault (although some La Vertes are faster than others).
i can only say the la verte i have worked very consistant. its only 100x30 but it came up trumps very well. dennis gave this to try and he was righjt .
Thx for all the info, I will try to get out the maximum of this stone. Reading your comments, this won't be easy :D At least, now I know that this stone should give me very good edges, so I won't rest until I get those miraculous shaves.