maro said:
I tried to repeat your experiment, Ray, and shaved with my Wapi just stropping it. I survived a month only, but I'd blame my still pitiful honing skills for that (I can hardly manage to hone the razor better than to a weak HHT-2).
Bart said:
I would hone the razor for him, for as long as he couldn't manage to get 30 shaves out of the razor with just the aid of his strop. At that point, I would show him how to hone . Not sooner.
But now I deserve a honing lesson by Bart at least! :w00t:
Maybe even I could get adopted for a while?
If you make it to the Coticule Pilgrimage, the honing lesson won't be a problem. The adoption remains to be seen.
Don't blame yourself to hard for the longevity of the Wapi. 30 shaves is quite good.
While I believe Ray's experiment to be very valuable, we must be afraid not to jump any conclusions. Blade longevity depends on many factors. The quality of the honed edge is certainly very important. As is the maintenance with apt stropping. But also the condition of the steel and the bevel angle play an important part.
The most durable edge is probably the hardest possible one that doesn't start to chip on a microscopic level, from impact with your coarsest beard hairs. There are several variables in that equation: the coarseness of the whiskers (the importance of beard preparation!), the temper and connected brittleness of the given steel, the bevel angle, the amount of stress you put on the blade while shaving (the more you deviate from the ideal cutting angle, the more stress you put on the edge).
I believe seasoned shavers, have better edge longevity, for many reasons:
1. the razors are more consistently honed. Ray's premise and a very important one.
2. a seasoned shaver likes a smooth edge, but he can rely on excellent technique to deal with and edge that starts to loose a bit of keenness.
3. Because a seasoned shaver uses more effective techniques (a bit of scything and all that jazz), his edges wear at a slower rate.
4. A seasoned shaver also has a seasoned stropping routine.
5. A seasoned shaver has a perfect preparation technique.
6. A seasoned shaver knows how to avoid micro-corrosion, which is deadly for a razors edge.
I may forget a few things.
Kind regards,