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My Happy Birthday

About the spanish point it looks wicked:blush:
it is not neccesarely a spike (none of mine is or was) so no more nicking than a rounded square or rounded notch point
It gives me more control than a round point yet less than a real spike(you can combine if you wish)

Umm yeah no more usefull information from here tonight
deighaingeal said:
Thanks everyone.
Bart, could you show me expamples of thumb notches that work and those that don't. I understand that each person is different, but this would give me an idea. Also if you could specify why they either did or didn't work for you? Also does the thumb notch cause problems with different grips?
Could anyone give me an idea regarding the spanish point? Whether or not it really allows for better control (my thought), whether or not I would be apt to bury the tip when I tried to do fine work; any thoughts would be helpful.
Also any thoughts regarding tail length. I don't like most of these newer super tails, I can see them getting in the way. I know which of mine I like, but seem to be unable to vocalize any reasons or order.
Actually, I can't answer that question, because I never made a study of it. I just notice that some razors with a thumb notch pose zero problems for shaving and stropping, while with others I have to really focus not letting it slip, especially while stropping.
But I never really examined it. This is with razors I hone for other people. I don't own one razor with a thumb notch myself. Although I'd fancy one, if I had the time to use it and the money to spare.

Sorry for a pretty much useless answer,