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My new coticule No 3

Bart said:
[warn]Please beware that I am talking about the Diluct method in the last few posts. When using a Coticule to finish an edge coming off some high-grit synthetic, entirely different rules apply. The Coticule with water is generally more than capable eating the peaks of the scratch patterns left by such hones. When doing Dilucot, it's not about scratch patterns of a previous hone, but about chasing keenness.[/warn]

Ohhh, I see. Instead of removing scratch patterns we're worried about getting the edge as thin (sharp) as possible, because the slurry leaves the bevel sort of rounded/blunt. Whereas if we were using synthetic hones the later stages, 8000 grit and up, are more about smoothing out the scratch patterns left by the previous hones.

Thanks Bart.
I used coti nu 3 on my kropp exallant result passes hht on finess stomach hair. So i dulled razor and performed the same dilucot method on my 5x3 which i'm not passing so easy hht. So i thought i'd try and hit the sweat point as bart explains. This time i decided to probe throught each set using a thicker grey hair from pot of hairs and a chest hair. I found the hht test became decent at a certain point and better as my slurry thinned out i used as many laps as it took to improve hanging hair test untill i was poping the chest hair real good at witch point rinsed coti no rubing down and did 50 laps hht clearly improved at that point i gave a good rinse did another 50 laps stropped 50 linen 50 litigo 50 cow hide. The razor passes hht on my finer tummy hair no problems looks like i hit the max this time using hair to probe as i went along and also listening to the cutting action from the hone. The shave was exallant.just thought i'd share this with the forum
I also forgot to point out i just got my self nos puma 6/8 inox never been used from atop restorer and honer. I no for a fact he honed this razor and all of is razors with 1k/4k/8k nortons finisher on the kitiyama followed by 20 on .5 and .25 diamond paste and is razors allways shave great i compared this razor to the one i just honed on coti and they both shave great but i have to say the coti honed razor is smoother and glided a cross my skin better enough for me to notice hands down.coticule edge takes some beating no wonder barbers used them.
Ace threads Gary, thank you
#10 has landed!! just getting to grips with it, then I will hone a razor I am familar with and post the results