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n°47 of the Vault


Well-Known Member

I published test results on n°47. It's a narrow and long bout size 7 (they are sold at 38 EUR).

When I picked it at the quarry, I thought it was a "La Grosse Jaune", but upon second consideration, it's without doubt a "La Grise". This one behaves a lot like n°9 of the Vault. Not the fastest Coticule, but still potent enough to recondition the bevel of a dull razor. Finishing on water is slower than average, with a very keen and mellow edge result, as long as you're not afraid of doing enough laps, somewhere between 100 and 200 to finish a Dilucot. The edge will be very nice earlier than that, but it absolutely pays to give this Coticule time to work its magic on water.

Kind regards,

I'd like to reserve this one if nobody else has already.

I don't know if you remember much about the coticule you sold me, but I was wondering if you could compare the edges off water for the two.

yohannrjm said:

I'd like to reserve this one if nobody else has already.

I don't know if you remember much about the coticule you sold me, but I was wondering if you could compare the edges off water for the two.


Oh good, now this can't tempt me anymore. I've wanted an extra-narrow hone but shouldn't have two reservations right now!

The one you already have comes from the "Tier du Mont" area, which is about 2 km more to the East of the "Tier d'Ol Preu" quarry that Ardennes Coticule owns. I got it from one of several abandoned mining pits that can be found in that area. It's the same geological Coticule vein as Ol Preu, so based on the green color, I'd say that it's from the "La Verte" layer, though it behaves a bit differently than the La Vertes that I tested from Ol Preu.
I don't think that n°47 will show much significant difference than the one you already got. Sure it is narrower, but since yours it a thick unglued Coticule, you can easily hone on the narrow side, if you want to benefit from the typical advantages of honing on a narrow hone. I sold you the "Tier du Mont" Coticule out of my personal collection, before I used the brisk-engaging-mellow classification, so it's difficult to compare. However, if memory serves, I think yours would fit in the engaging-mellow range, as does n°47.

Bottom line, I'm not sure n°47 is the perfect candidate for you, since you own already a very similar one, that can be used on the narrow side.

Just let me know if you want to maintain the reservation or not.

Kind regards,
I'll bow to your experience with these hones, Bart, and pass on the #47.

I was concerned that the two hones would be too similar. Thanks for confirming that.

So #47 is still up for grabs, everyone!!! :thumbup: