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New member.


Hey folks,

New member here. I am glad I found this place. It looks like a great forum to discuss all things shaving with an emphasis on my favorite stone (coticule) without all the neurosis that plagues so many other discussion boards.

You well come sir.I am glad your favorite hone is coticule.Here is the paradise of coticule world.
Enjoy the knowledge.
Best regards
hey I hope you like your stay here. if you would have questions do not hesitate to ask and everyone will do it's best to help you.

kind regards

ps. I moved your thread to the miscellaneous section because it belong here and not in the coticule tavern
Welcome! :thumbup:

Hope you spend some good time here; the company is fine, too. :)

best regards,
Welcome from me too! :thumbup:

I hope you find the answers you seek, and dont forget the search feature, FAQ section, and the sharpening academy
Failing those, as Stijn says we do enjoying being of service, so dont be shy with any questions :)

Best regards
Thanks guys. I posted some pics of my large coticule in the tavern. Feedback would be much appreciated.

Welcome to the group! I think that all of us would love to have a stone like that of which you are the caretaker!