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November 13th - November 19th

SOTD 20221118.

Depot "No. 402" pre & post shave balm.
Brush black walnut / APShaveCo SynBad knot.
TGS "Pino Alpestre" shaving soap.
Merkur 39C.
Lord Classic (2).
TGS "Pino Alpestre" A.S. Parfum.
Yesterday no shave was nocked down by a fever.

Part of Nivea November

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: Nivea Men Original shaving cream
Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Brush: 24mm Tuxedo blue lagoon handle
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Deep
Aftershave: Bulldog Sensitive aftershave balm
SOTD 20221119.

PREP "Original Formula" pre-shave cream.
TDS "Cream: note of sandalwood" shaving soap.
iKon 103 "Short Comb" / custom handle.
Lord Classic (3).
Floïd "Mentolado Vigoroso" AS.
Proraso green preshave
Turkish copper shaving bowl
Plisson high mountain white synthetic brush
Lea + Palmolive shaving stick mixture
Rugra 4/8
Metal Mulcuto Schrägschnitt + treet black beauty
Proraso alum
TFS witch hazel
Biocura silver, MWF body lotion

The rugra is NOS, but the edge misses just that sharpness.
Again an evening shave,

Part of Nivea November

Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: Nivea Men Original shaving cream
Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Brush: 24mm Tuxedo blue lagoon handle
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Deep
Aftershave: Bulldog Sensitive aftershave balm