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November 27th - December 3rd

SOTD 20221202.

3P "La Crema Prodigio" pre-shave cream.
J&T® ebony / OUMO Brush SHD G5 SYN knot.
OUMO Brush "Soul" shaving soap.
Seygus Ti "Zeppelin" V2.1 0.7 razor.
Schick Platinum (NOS) (2).
Figaro after shave eau de toilette gel lotion.
Yesterday's shave

Proraso green preshave
M-keramiek scuttle
Semogue boar brush
TFS tabacco verde shaving soap
Rugra 100
Gilette tech + tiger platinum
Proraso alum
TFS witch hazel
Tuff sensitiv as

Today's shave

Proraso green preshave
M-keramiek scuttle
Zenith unbleached boar brush
TFS tabacco verde shaving soap
Ruba 42
Gillette tech + tiger platinum
Proraso alum
TFS witch hazel
Marmara tuntun, MWF body lotion
Razor: FaTip open comb slant (FOCS)
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: TOBS Platinum Collection Shaving Cream
Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Brush: AP Shave CO 24mm Tuxedo Winter handle
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Deep
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand aftershave balm
Proraso green preshave
M-keramiek scuttle
Zenith bleached boar brush
Mitchell's wool fat shaving soap
Weck single edge + personna hair shaper blade
Proraso alum
TFS witch hazel
Extro vetiver as, Mitchell's body lotion
RazoRock 400 Tuxedo,
The Goodfellas' Smile Pino Alpestre met druppel Toco-Tholin,
Paradigm 17-4,
Gillette Nacet (1),
The Goodfellas' Smile Pino Alpestre aftershave parfum.

SOTD 20221203.

PREP "Original Formula" pre-shave cream.
Vie-Long foroafeitado SE 2019 synth.
TDS "Cream: notes of native lilac" shaving soap.
Merkur 39C.
Schick Platinum (NOS) (3).
Pinaud "Lilac Vegetal" ASL.
Razor: FaTip open comb slant (FOCS)
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: TOBS Platinum Collection Shaving Cream
Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Brush: AP Shave CO 24mm Tuxedo Winter handle
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Deep
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand aftershave balm