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October 16th - October 22nd

SOTD 20221020.

PREP "Original Formula" pre-shave cream (pre-).
M Keramiek / APShaveCo SilkSmoke.
Castle Forbes "Lavender Essential Oil" shaving cream.
Rockwell 6S R5 only / Stork Ti "Taipan" handle.
Personna Platinum Chrome (1).
PREP "Original Formula" pre-shave cream (after-).
Tihanyi "Levendula" EdP.
Combination of TABACtober & OCtober

Razor: Timeless 0.95 OC SS
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: Tabac Original shaving bowl
Brush: Yaqi Barber Pole Style 24mm Two Band Badger Knot Shaving Brush
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Tabac Original After Shave
Aftershave: Tabac Original aftershave balm
Alexander Simpson Trafalgar T3,
Murphy & Mc Neil Nantahala,
Atelier Durdan le Maurice 1.2 Brass,
Wizamet Super Iridium (1),
Zingari recovery splash unscented,
Murphy & Mc Neil Nantahala aftershave splash.

SOTD 20221021.

3P "La Crema Prodigio" pre-shave cream.
OUMO Brush resin and huanghuali wood / SHD G5 SYN knot.
Simpsons "Lavender & Vetiver" shaving cream.
Vintage Gillette Old Type / Stork Ti "AN14" handle.
Personna Platinum Chrome (2).
Novaya Zarya "Russian lavender" EdC.
Yesterday's shave

Proraso green preshave
Turkish copper shaving bowl
Semogue brush
Lea + Palmolive shaving stick mixture
Fasan + Treet classic #1
Proraso alum
TFS witch hazel
Floid genuine as, cien as balm

Today's shave

Proraso green preshave
Turkish copper shaving bowl
Semogue brush
Lea + Palmolive shaving stick mixture
Weck shavette + personna hair shaper blade #1
Matador bakelite + Treet classic #2
Proraso alum
TFS witch hazel
Proraso pure as, Wilkinson as balm
Combination of TABACtober & OCtober

Razor: Timeless 0.95 OC SS
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: Tabac Original shaving bowl
Brush: Yaqi Barber Pole Style 24mm Two Band Badger Knot Shaving Brush
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Tabac Original After Shave
Aftershave: Tabac Original aftershave balm
SOTD 20221022.

PREP "Original Formula" pre-shave cream.
Custom "Bethlehem" handle / Mühle silver tip fibre knot.
La maison du savon de Marseille "Monsieur" shaving soap.
Vintage Gillette NEW (SC, made in USA) / Stork "Advoco" handle.
Personna Platinum Chrome (3).
Loris "Lavanta" EdC.
wrong week... excuse me

Time for coffee!

Right week, excuse all my edits :)

Yaqi Heavy Metal Handle Timber Wolf,
Rustic Shaving Soap Summer Breeze,
Atelier Durdan le Maurice 1.2 Brass,
Wizamet Super Iridium (2),
Extro Wetshavers 2020 aftershave balm,
Extro Wetshavers 2020 aftershave splash.

Last edited:
Proraso green preshave
Turkish copper shaving bowl
Zenith bleached boar brush
Lea + Palmolive shaving stick mixture
Erik Anton Berg SR
Gillette old type + Treet classic #3
TFS witch hazel
Layrite no 9, cien as balm
Combination of TABACtober & OCtober

Razor: FaTip Grande OC
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: Tabac Original shaving bowl
Brush: Yaqi Barber Pole Style 24mm Two Band Badger Knot Shaving Brush
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Tabac Original After Shave
Aftershave: Tabac Original aftershave balm