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Okt. 6th - Okt. 12th 2019

Filarmonica Doble Temple 14
Badger / boar brush
Stirling Varen shaving soap and ASB

Brad Sears/Morris & Forndran 1XL in Finest Badger, Disco Haze
TFS - Ginestra di Taormina
Pingault E... Chatellerault Faux Frameback 8/8
Unknown Merkurhead travelslant (t)
Voskhod (5)

Started with the Pingault but got the slant after the first pass as the straight just wasn't sharp enough.
M-keramiek scuttle
Proraso brush
MWF soap
Grelot 71
Vdh alum bar
Thayer's witch hazel
CHH Tobacco, balea ultrasensitive balsem
Tuntun turkish tobacco

I cleaned up the grelot and sharpened it. There is a deep pit on the spine I can not remove. I was not convinced while shaving. After washing up with cold water and applying the thayer's etc skin is smooth and soft. Thanks to the mwf I think.

Stirling 26/54,
Van der Lovett Sailor's Blend,
Tatara Masamune OC,
Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus (1),
Van der Lovett Sailor's Blend aftershave balm.


At first I liked the close comb better, but I'm starting to get into the OC.
AP Shave Co Synbad 30 mm
Barrister & Mann Chesshire
Tatara Nodachi
Gillette Rubie (2)
Humprey’s Astringent
Myrsol Antesol + Emulsion

A very nice tea scented soap. The Myrsol Antesol is a bit of a neutral scent so it pares very well. Have a good weekend!