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Old catalog pages


Active Member
I found some old catalog pages, no signs of any company. I would date the pages to 1906 around. But there were shown some interesting safety/ straight razors. The No 1917 should be a Sancy, No 1915 a Non Plus Ultra typ, No 1918 straight razor with blade guard, No 1944 foldable safety razor, No 4095 foldable safety razor, No 4097 could be a W. Everts + Son safety razor with three razor head positions, made 1905, No 3201 Buffalo Bill straight razor with blade guard made from 1906 on.


Thomas, I don't think this is a catalogue. It's somebody's collection in pictures.
Hi Walid, These are not copies of a collection. These are pages from a sample product catalog from around 1906. The items were attached to boards and numbered. The boards were then photographed and put together to make a catalog. Unfortunately, I only have pages 6, 14, 15 and 16. All items have a number so that the price could be taken from a price list. This was probably a catalog that salesman used on their travels.




The seller told me, that the pages came from a Paul A. Henckels catalog. But I don't really believe that.
Paul A. Henckels produced and sold his products in a large store in Solingen at that time. The postcard is from around 1900.


I would like to find such sales sample boards today:D