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Old Sheffield Razors by Henry T. Lummus (Illustrations from the author’s collection)

What a coincidence, I was viewing this just a few hours earlier. Google books is great isnt it? Check out the old 50's playboy top models:lol:
Maybe its your browser? I have a google account, but can view them signed in or not. If smythe's links doesn't work, go to google books and type "Old Sheffield Razors" The book Smythe is linking will apear at the top. Try it that way:confused:
I have tried it that way. It only reveal the title of the article and the name Henry T. Lummus. But no content.

Maybe it's considered US classified stuff, only available to citizens. :D
Well... Though it's only 7 pages, I thought you all would have a pleasent weekend reading it... if some folks are unable because of some "restriction" then I will have to say "Today, I'm NOT EXACTLY proud to be an American!":(

So for my European neighbors I am uploading readable images of the relevant pages to this post... download them while you can... for some reason I suspect I may have to take them down at some point... wee shall see.

Also I am willing to email the relevant pages in PDF format (it's about 2MB)... or send the file to our resident Bartender and we can figure something out.

Please... let me know if it's readable.







Thanks so much! Those are wonderful images and help me date a few of my razor collection.
If you could send me the PDF to randydance at comcast dot net it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you Cedrick. I can read your linked pictures just fine.
If you want you can log in to the backend, upload the PDF and link it under the Heritage section, where the other downloaded documents are.
If you need help with that, give me a yell.

IANAL, but what's the copyright on these? If there is none, great. If not, you're actively asking for trouble with google.
Most books on Google books are past copyright dates I belive. That is how google can post them like they do.
Yes, it appears that the one we're discussing is still copyrighted in Europe but not in the States. I can only see a version that shows the searched words and the page on which they're found in the book. The rest of the content is blank. If I read Robin's link well, that's what they do with books that still hold a copyright.
But I don't think Google, nor the the publisher of that book, will actively search for copyright infringement on a small forum. I am all for making proper reference to the author and publisher, and we would of course remove any copyrighted material at the first request of the owner.

Kind regards,
Well... if you are shorter than most... then in the midst of a crowd you are invisible... lets hope the guys in the blue van don't show up.:p
Bart said:
and we would of course remove any copyrighted material at the first request of the honer.

Kind regards,

"owner" Freudian slip?

Wonderful stuff Sir Smythe
Thanks for sharing

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)

Thanks dr. Ralfson. I went back and corrected my error.

Kind regards,
You can download from here if you like to avoid breaking any supposed google rules or restrictions. These scans were taken by someone who checked the magazines out from a library in the US where the copyrights on them have expired: Lummus articles

I know the razor pictures suck, but the text is fine.
hoglahoo said:
You can download from here if you like to avoid breaking any supposed google rules or restrictions. These scans were taken by someone who checked the magazines out from a library in the US where the copyrights on them have expired: Lummus articles

I know the razor pictures suck, but the text is fine.
Thanks a million for that link Hoglahoo, been looking for the Lummus's second article for quite some time... in fact i don't think Google has digitized it just yet... and I think I see one of my blades I that second article :)
Thanks again
Mmmm, it looks really promising, but I have to go to sleep in a moment! :lol:

What caught my attention immediately is the beautiful old typography used in it. For example, so called ligatures can be seen, i.e. "connected" pairs of certain letters like c and t, s and t, double f, f and l etc. A true craft, that only recently is being revived by some careful type designers. Really nice, apart from the actual content :)
