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over doing

Go for it Matt. I am sure they would be helpful to beaucoup people you have never heard of on the site. You need to use that fancy equipment anyway. YP, Denny
Matt said:
jkh said:
It would be interesting to see photos of what different people considered to be milky slurry.
Here you've got some, and good comments as well. As I see it now, several slurry stone rubs at #1 get you to milky slurry, or a few finger dip dilutions added to #2. Somewhere in between, in general, as long as viscosity doesn't noticeably differ from that of water.

If there's a need, I could shoot some good quality pictures of various slurry densities one day, and they could be given as a rough reference for anyone might have doubts with it. Give me your thoughts on it folks.


Thanks, Matt!
garyhaywood said:
well i just took my john clarkes razor and gave it a good dulling a bout 4 light passes on glass.

i used my la drassante au blue which is slow compared to other hones with slurry.

any way i set bevel in no time with a slurry medium. i then diluted my slurry to a skimmed milk.I kept it that way by adding adrop of water if needed, which i did . I did 6 sets of half strokes 20 per set, i then finished with 50 normal x strokes and then rinsed the hone and did 100 laps on water . the hht test of the hone was fine and even better after stropping. so basicly once bevel was set i did the rest on a consitancy of skimmed milk checking with tpt and finishing on water with 100 laps job done. not shaved but i'm sure the razor will be a good shave . the hht was good i have had slightly better, and much worse . i'd recomend any one new to give it ago or the any one who wants to.

either way i 'm sure the time differance is'nt much differant, wheather you dilute or not, the results i'm not to sure as i have only tryed this once or twice. i'm sure bart has tryed this and he will have a better experiance with none dilution and working on one level of thin slurry.

cheers gaz

just thought i'd let you guys no. The shave of john clarkes razor was fine with this method.

so basicly i set bevel on slurry , made surei was able to shave some sort of hair. then i went to a very milky skimmed milk slurry. worked the razor on that level of thin slurry for say 200 laps or so and finished on water with 50 plus . i would say it s a safer bet to dilute, but if you keep the slurry thin so it does'nt cause any dulling and work it to the max then fin ish on water you will get a good shave , you can do woth half strokes as usaul as it quiker. i f you feel more comfy with normal x strokes do it that way , oviously finish with normal x strokes.

But was the shave "magical"
Like we can get off a perfect Dilucot?
I can get a fine shave off a Chinese 12K. Or a Norton 8k then a pasted strop.

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)
the john clarkes is a easy one to hone and the shaves of this are extremly good , i would say the shave was very good smooth as can be but not the magical shave i would rave about, but then i don't always get the magical shave out of dilucot always good and som times absalutley amzing.

dilucot is more interesting and i prefer the method , may be this method may be easier for some one new. may be may be not.