Well-Known Member
My apologies. I didn't realize you were requesting others to tell of their journey
While no cotimeister
, by any stretch, I do get pretty good results consistently
My encouragement to go with a coticule and use it almost exclusively came due to my first result using the Unicot technique being excellent. Knowing that it was possible gave me all the fuel that I needed to push through the struggles. I am a very stubborn man any way, an inherited trait from my father (I have some good stories
). The greatest single piece of advice that I got during that period was to put everything else away and work with one stone for a while. It made a huge difference. Good luck breaking through, you can get there!
Best regards,
My apologies. I didn't realize you were requesting others to tell of their journey
While no cotimeister
My encouragement to go with a coticule and use it almost exclusively came due to my first result using the Unicot technique being excellent. Knowing that it was possible gave me all the fuel that I needed to push through the struggles. I am a very stubborn man any way, an inherited trait from my father (I have some good stories
Best regards,