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My apologies. I didn't realize you were requesting others to tell of their journey :)

While no cotimeister :rolleyes: , by any stretch, I do get pretty good results consistently ;)

My encouragement to go with a coticule and use it almost exclusively came due to my first result using the Unicot technique being excellent. Knowing that it was possible gave me all the fuel that I needed to push through the struggles. I am a very stubborn man any way, an inherited trait from my father (I have some good stories :D ). The greatest single piece of advice that I got during that period was to put everything else away and work with one stone for a while. It made a huge difference. Good luck breaking through, you can get there!

Best regards,

squeezyjohn said:
........Ralfy of this parish kindly sharpened the revisor for me through the amazing coticule sharpening service offered here and it revolutionised my shaving (everyone here thinking about it should really take advantage of it)....

Wow John, I am very happy and humbled by that, thats why we offer the service down to a T :thumbup:

Now be a good chap and pop that Dovo in the post :) I would be very happy to hone it for you

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)

You have absolutely no need to apologize.
The only one who should apologize for the poor expression is me... :blush:

I'm too very stubborn person and I don't quit trying until I got it right.
Thanks for your advice - this is somewhat difficult to follow for me... but I will do this.

My friend Urmas.I can say that i am able to hone any razor on any coticule but i cant accept that i am a top coticule user.As you know i hone on coticule more than thirty years but everything learned from my father who he learned from his own.Few things I found myself concerning the honing but i found much more concerning the shave technique matching to my skin.However be sure that anything i have from my heritage knowledge plus the mine discoveries distributed with open palms through
Best regards

I sincerely appreciate the knowledge you shared in the forum. I collect valuable opinions, tips and general information about honing from the forum - many of your posts are there in my collection. I gather this information because the search does not always work well - I assume, the lack of the use of keywords/tags.
For me, you're definitely one of the top coticule users. I'm sure that many others feel the same way.

I have not had the luck to get instructions from his father or grandfather. My father did not know anything about straight razors and grandfather died when I was quite young. I'm still have a razor that belonged to grandpa. Unfortunately, this razor is unusable, but I will keep it preserved.
Several times I thought that I would be glad to try your sharpened edge. I hope this would be possible, perhaps some time later.

I will be happy Urmas to hone any edge for you. When it decides send a PM.
Best regards
Ralfy - I may just take you up on that ;) I'm sure you could probably hone it on a pork pie!

Urmas - I really think that taking Emmanuel up on his offer of honing your razor is the best way you can know what you're aiming for. If his edge is anything like what Ralfy did for me, then you will have a fairly high bar to aim for once you have enjoyed some amazing shaves, and then curiosity makes you undo all that hard work by dulling on a glass and you try it for yourself again.

As long as you can get close to the edge achieved by someone more experienced than you before you forget quite how sharp it was, then you get over a giant learning hurdle much faster than if you were just trying on your own. That's why I think the service is so valuable and generous, because it gives you a benchmark that you simply wouldn't have otherwise.

