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Quote from NassRasur

No need Chris I just happened on it from that website. I'd visited it a year or so ago but missed that statement. I about flipped when I read it:)
I would love to know who started that myth?:lol:

I am reminded of a few Great Minds of old, who beveled:

"The German razor hone, used, as its name implies, chiefly for razors, is obtained from the slate mountains near Ratisbon, where it forms a yellow vein of from 1 to 18 inches in the blue slate. It is sawn into thin slabs, and these are cemented to slabs of slate which serve as a support"

When in fact, they could only be describing the Belgian Razor Hone (Old Rock, Soap Stone, Hickory hone or Coticule)...

Indeed one wonders what other rubbish could be emanating form our modern Great Minds. So lets take whats been said with a healthy dose of skepticism.
The guys name is Boon and the website is That will give you some additional strange ideas:)
Gunner777 said:
The guys name is Boon and the website is That will give you some additional strange ideas:)
Yes, strange ideas indeed. Boon was writing most of his stuff several years ago, when there were few people around to disagree with whatever he wrote. I knew I had read your quote in the first post somewhere before, but until you posted the link to Boon, I couldn't remember where it was.

Kind regards,
Another strange idea was when you make a second shave pass you use only water and against the grain!!!! Ouch!
Gunner777 said:
The guys name is Boon and the website is That will give you some additional strange ideas:)
Arther E. Boon... he’s probably someone who is “well read” (reminds me of myself in some ways). But with even the best of us will often read, believe and pass-on information from supposedly credible sources, when the whole (or in this case) part of the information is obviously in error… as I said, it happens quite often in our society and it’s a natural fact of life.

So when reading info from supposedly credible sources, we need to use our own intellect, and not “jump off the cliff” just because everyone else is doing it.