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Absurd hero
SU-Patron Gold
Rasoio Di Milano produced RaDiMi razors. Where Milano is the capital of fashion, and Italians are said to have good taste, this razor, circa 1938, does its best to prove that ain't so. Which is why I bought it, the damn thing is butt-ugly.
Still needs cleaning, which is why it took a while for me to realize this was a Radimi.
You can't fault the Italians for making beautiful things. I will put this one in my list of razors to acquire. Hopefully it's not too expensive and available.
Stunning beauties.
Here's an "elderly looking" Radimi, with a bone (not ivory) handle. I replaced the screw that was fitted into the end of the handle with a newer one. I'm not sure whether a screw was originally supposed to be there or whether there was something else.

Radimi Comb Razor, Bone Handle, 42g, Replated, Italy1.JPG
Radimi Comb Razor, Bone Handle, 42g, Replated, Italy2.JPG
Radimi Comb Razor, Bone Handle, 42g, Replated, Italy4.JPG
Radimi Comb Razor, Bone Handle, 42g, Replated, Italy5.JPG
The Radimi that opened this thread is no longer mine. I traded it against something else, some time ago. However, I've recently acquired these two beauties:

Hey Richard. Regarding your second Radimi above (the "Red Dot"), here's two Spanish Palmera's with striking similarities to it. My first Palmera seems to have the same handle as your Red Dot Radimi while the second one appears to have the same cap and plate:

Palmera %22Red Dot%22 (unbranded) Open Comb Razor, 67g, Spain 4.JPG
Palmera %22Red Dot%22 (unbranded) Open Comb Razor, 67g, Spain 6.JPG
Palmera %2266%22 Razor, 86g, Spain6.JPG
Palmera %2266%22 Razor, 86g, Spain7.JPG
I have to say that I like efsk's original Radimi that started this thread the best. The one Richard described as "butt-ugly" and later got rid of. Goes to show we all have different tastes!

Here's another Radimi Open Comb. Likely a later version would be my guess. I think its made of zamak given its fairly light weight of 57 grams.

Also, here's a question: Are all Radimi's OC? Seems to be the case.

Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 1.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 2.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 3.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 4.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 5.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 6.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 7.JPG
Radimi Open Comb Safety Razor, 57g, Italy 8.JPG
Here's a couple of comparison shots of the Spanish Palmera I mentioned above and my new Radimi. They are quite similar in appearance although not identical. The Palmera looks and feels to be the more impressive of these two particular razors. This is likely mainly a function of it being brass (86 grams) compared to the zamak Radimi at 57 grams.

Here's a couple of comparison shots of the Spanish Palmera I mentioned above and my new Radimi. They are quite similar in appearance although not identical. The Palmera looks and feels to be the more impressive of these two particular razors. This is likely mainly a function of it being brass (86 grams) compared to the zamak Radimi at 57 grams.

View attachment 37812View attachment 37813
Doesn't look like zamak to me, either brass or German silver.
I have to say that I like efsk's original Radimi that started this thread the best. The one Richard described as "butt-ugly" and later got rid of. Goes to show we all have different tastes!

Here's another Radimi Open Comb. Likely a later version would be my guess. I think its made of zamak given its fairly light weight of 57 grams.

Also, here's a question: Are all Radimi's OC? Seems to be the case.

View attachment 37804

Nice one Ken, You bought this one from Sorin (The Italian guy) ?