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Recommendations for a Reliable Beard Trimmer?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I’m looking to upgrade my beard trimmer and could use some advice. I have a medium-length beard that I like to keep well-groomed,

but my current trimmer doesn’t give a precise or even trim anymore. I’d love something versatile with adjustable length settings and solid battery life.

Bonus points for a trimmer that’s easy to clean and has good durability.

My budget is around $100, but I’m open to spending a bit more if it’s worth it.

Any recommendations or brands you swear by?
Hi everyone,

I’m looking to upgrade my beard trimmer and could use some advice. I have a medium-length beard that I like to keep well-groomed,

but my current trimmer doesn’t give a precise or even trim anymore. I’d love something versatile with adjustable length settings and solid battery life.

Bonus points for a trimmer that’s easy to clean and has good durability.

My budget is around $100, but I’m open to spending a bit more if it’s worth it BabylissPRO GoldFX.

Any recommendations or brands you swear by?
Thanks in advance for the help!