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Sharpening a Japanese Razor ( Kamisori) on a Coticule?

Hi Aquanin,

Thanks for the research, sounds like your on the right track with the dilucot. let me know how the shave test goes.:thumbup:
As a footnote, I've been getting excellent edges from my LPB on my Kamisoris. While my Nakayama Kiita provides a very aggressive edge the LPB provides one that is not as aggressive but markedly smoother. Both are very sharp, just different.
There's a guy on the the SRP-forum called gssixgun who has actually made how-to videos on sharpening a kamisor using a coticule.

Part1 on youtube:
More videos on 'his' site:

The guy seems to have a good rep on the american sites.

Ive done a few kamisoris myself, on a small coticule, and; while certainly not as many as the guy on the video and definitely not as methodically, I have nevertheless been successful.

Kamisori's take an edge very fast and I do my presharpening on a coticule before going to a Japanese Wakasa for finishing.

I start with slurry and do 10 back-n-forth strokes on the front side followed by 3 spine leading strokes on the back side (stamped face). I proceed to dilucot in this fashion and finish on water. You can get away with faster dilutions as well. While shave ready off the coticule, I take them to a Japanese Wakasa afterward for final finishing as it puts a superb edge on it. This Japanese natural is softer than traditional hard Ozuku's used on Western razors and is best suited for the steel of Kamisori's. In general it is the same basic concept to hone kamisori on a coticule.