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Swiss Rasofin DE Safety Razor?


Well-Known Member

Does anyone have any idea what this DE is?

It came from Switzerland and I think it might be a "Rasofin" although there's no markings on it.

Can anyone add a photo of a known Rasofin so as to be able to compare?

Thanks kindly!

Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 2.JPG
Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 4.JPG
Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 5.JPG
Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 6.JPG
Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 7.JPG
Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 8.JPG
Rasofin Double Edged Safety Razor, 69g, Switzerland 9.JPG
Here's another open comb razor from Switzerland, make unknown. I've tentatively identified it, for my own purposes, as a "LeCoultre" based on nothing much more than wishful thinking. Anyone actually seen a LeCoultre, made apparently by the same people that made the Jaeger-LeCoultre watches?

It has the common feature with some other Swiss razors of having that little dip or groove on the tips of each comb segment.

Any suggestions on a possible brand? 55 grams in weight.

LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 1.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 2.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 3.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 4.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 5.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 6.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 7.JPG
LeCoultre? Open Comb Razor, 55g, Switzerland 8.JPG
Perhaps related to...


ManufacturerJaques Lecoultre
Country of ManufactureSwitzerland
Cross Side MarkingJaques Lecoultre Au Sentier
Pile Side MarkingN/A
Est. Mfg Date1890-1910
Blade Width>6/8" (0.830")
Blade GrindFrameback /w replaceable blade, includes original 2nd blade and screwdriver
PointFrench / Spanish hybrid
Perhaps related to...

View attachment 38678

ManufacturerJaques Lecoultre
Country of ManufactureSwitzerland
Cross Side MarkingJaques Lecoultre Au Sentier
Pile Side MarkingN/A
Est. Mfg Date1890-1910
Blade Width>6/8" (0.830")
Blade GrindFrameback /w replaceable blade, includes original 2nd blade and screwdriver
PointFrench / Spanish hybrid
Yep, one and the same.
I read on one of the shaving forums (can't recall which) that "Vulcano" was a brand of Swiss razor. I guess I assumed that it was DE. Now I know that the Vulcano was made by Lecoultre, and that it's in fact a single edge. Thanks for that, nongillette.

I also read online (so it must be reliable!) that Lecoultre was the first to have those grooves/indents on the comb that is to be found on several Swiss razors and that the other manufacturers copied it. I don't know if this is true or not. Was there ever even a Lecoultre DE? Hope we know the answer some day.