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To all aspiring razor sharpeners

The only reason to refresh the slurry is during you set an edge on first time and you don't like to use a coarser stone. Here as said you continue the honing on a normal dilution process.
Best regards
Well, this morning I shaved. The razor was honed from bevel to finish on my La Veinette and I am very pleased with the result.

I followed the guide in this thread including the final dilution stage and then the unicot. The edge was sharp and smooth, although not quite as smooth as I would have liked. Maybe a few more laps on water will fix that up, but I tend to always dislike a freshly honed razor as opposed to one a few shaves in.

Anyway, this was the first time I did not use a Naniwa to set a bevel and I am very proud of myself. :lol:

Thank you to the members of this forum for the feedback and all of the wonderful information available! Now, on to my next coticule adventure.
Sounds like you did very well.:thumbup:
It may need more stropping instead of more laps on water. Stropping is one of the most underestimated crafts in traditional shaving. Just a hunch of course. :)

Kind regards,