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Unknown serious slant


Absurd hero
SU-Patron Gold
No idea what brand it is. Only thing I know is the seller is an arshole which means I had to pay twice for this razor. In the words of Frank Zappa: may his shit come to live and kiss him.
This razor probably was once plated. Probably silver, maybe gold. That's all gone. Looking at the handle it is interesting to see how the handle twists the other way around than the knob. The "Teeth" on the baseplate make the thing look scary and aggressive. The last two photos show it is ot that scary at all. The shave proved it to be rather mild.
Congrats, Delivered 4 months after purchase. How did they lose it in the first place? How did they find it too? I am really interested because I have the same problem but with Posta Italia.
Well, not quite that. DHL marked it as delivered on a Sunday evening 22:30, when it was not. Months later, the seller all of a sudden had the same razor for sale, again. Aparently, DHL returned it to sender. What to do ... I bought it again. Paid for it twice.
Hi Richard. I saw that razor come up for sale and thought of trying to grab it but backed off since I really don't like slants that much (which you would never know looking at how many of them I've managed to acquire!) But, the unusual shape of it was compelling. And, I happened to see it come up for sale again, and was once again tempted. Glad to see that it finally found a good home. Salvador Dali would be happy with this one!