The King
Well-Known Member
Let's make it clear once again that every part of the shaving equipment we use every day is subject to personal opinion or the well-known YMMV.
That's what makes it so much fun to ask about everyone's ideal combination of safety razor and associated razor blade, because the answers and given motivations will be very different.
My ideal combination is the Paradigm 17-4 with a Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus. The mildness of the safety razor and the razor blade provide a so comfortable skin feeling that you really after the first retrieve amazed state and just have to check whether there is a razor blade in the safety razor is placed.
The efficiency is extremely high so after the shave you are as smooth as but can be without any kind of irritation to have incurred.
And so there is something to say for any combination see for example my IKon 102 slant which is in my opinion the ideal wedding candidate for a Feather blade so wonderfully smooth shaves this combination.
Where normally a Feather can sometimes lead to irritation he is in the iKon your tame friend.
So I wonder what for you the ultimate shaving combination is?

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