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Reserved - Payment pending Winter clean up part 3

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Well-Known Member
Wolfman WR2 1,15 gap in basic polish with Stork handle, used 3 times, not my kind of razor, shaves just like the BBS-1 (wasn't my razor either, sold 2 of those).

I payed €182 for the head plus €78 for customs (James won't send to another address then the one buying it so you do get hit with customs always, documents as proof provided). Paid €108 for the handle. Selling price shipping with tracking included is € 350

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Rockwel 2018 Limited Edition DE Razor (paid €210 + shipping) Selling price shipping with tracking included is € 170 (shaves exactly the same as the 2019 medium aggressive Rocknell) SOLD

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Rockwel 2019 Limited Edition DE Razor, Aggressive version (paid €227 + shipping) Selling price shipping with tracking included is € 190

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Stand in tropical wood for 14 razors, Selling price shipping with tracking included is €45 SOLD

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3 stork SS Handles (Normally $123 a piece, Selling price shipping with tracking included is € 65 or take all 3 and get 2 Tibam handles for free (Value €80)

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Blackland Dart Polished (Paid €125) Selling price shipping with tracking included is €95


gentle shaver Giesen und Forsthoff gold onused (new €53) Selling price shipping with tracking included is €28 + free Haslinger soap




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Some great deals to be had here. I have same Wolfman on way already (I do very much like the Bbs-1) so will let this one go.
Wolfman sold but with another handle.

Crazy day today (brain stroke in the family so very little time to run to postoffice and such)

So I'm doing crazy myself, All 5 handles below and the gentle shaver Giesen und Forsthoff gold in ONE buy €199

Blackland Dart lowered to €90 SOLD

Rockwel 2019 Limited Edition lowered to €180

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Schermafbeelding 2019-08-24 om 08.16.00.jpg



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