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5/8 Puma 1938.

Ok.I had few ideas what to use for that purpose. But heat shrink tubes works like a charm.
That's a fantastic job you did there Maciek :thumbup: !

And if you don't mind, I'll steal you're idea of using enamel gold paint to restore the engraving on this girlish :blush: ;) Solingen razor:

I had only sharpened it up and didn't dare to polish the blade in order to save what's left of the gold wash. But I'm reconsidering this now :w00t: .


Emmanuel, if he read this topic he should now that we talked about engraved blade ( it was mentioned couple of times).I can't cleary see from the picture is that blade is etched or engraved.

Ps. I'd say its engraved.
jollo74 said:
That's a fantastic job you did there Maciek :thumbup: !

And if you don't mind, I'll steal you're idea of using enamel gold paint to restore the engraving on this girlish :blush: ;) Solingen razor.



I'd say its engraved.:p
I don't know for sure whether it's engraved or deeply etched ("Tiefenätzung") :blush:.

Anyhow, the "roses" are really deeply etched/engraved so there's plenty of "room" for the paint to fill :w00t: ...


P.S. I've just shaved with it :sleep: (honed on La Verte coticule followed by vintage Thuringian) - a fantastic razor with great sound effects :lol: (extremely hollow ground):thumbup: .
Etched, engraved ,doesn't matter.For me most important is that you know what are you doing with that razor.
Emmanuel you scared me as hell , my friend.
This is indeed a nice save. Very few folks know or even care to save the etching on a blade but simply polish.... my hat's off to you my friend.

The blade is most likely etched deeply.
Perhaps today with modern tools hard enough to do the job, but in days gone by it was not practical to engrave on hardened steel.
Most blades are etched shallow because in a production environment time is money, so the blade left in the acid only long enough for the contrast to appear. However, the longer the acid acts on the blade the deeper it cuts and the result will appear to be an engraving.
macrob said:
Hand sanding up to 2000 grit. Polishing compounds on felt wheels, 100,200,600,1500.
Hey, bro.

That's a fantastic job you've done there. One thing bugs me, though. You say that you hand sanded the thing up to 2000 and used 100 - 600 pastes after the sanding? I want to polish this old find a bit better than I did and wonder how I should tackle it. I was judging by the numbers, that using such low grit pastes after 2000 paper would be going backwards? :confused:

Matt, polishing compounds and sanding papers have different grit charts.I'm always use them on small felt wheels after hand sanding.
Few words of warning for those who never used Dremel for restoring razors.
Always put razor on flat surface and do not try to polish a razor in your hands. I'm using magnetic knife rack for that purpose.