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Abraham Knyn Stahlwarenfabrik

I would like to show the next knyn. It isn't one of the big blades. It is stamped 3/8. In fact it is bigger. They didn't take into account the spine.

It looks untouched and in my opinion very elegant.

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Hello to everyone here!!
I have never come across such a collection of Knyn razors before so this is exciting for me :)
I have a large Knyn No.41 waiting for restoration so I will share that when I make some progress.

Question for Knyn collectors. Do most if not all of their razors lack top and bottom jimping?
What years was Knyn manufacturing razors?

ehv generously allowed me to share some photos of his razor as shown above.
Kind regards to all,


  • Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 01.jpg
    Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 01.jpg
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  • Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 02.jpg
    Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 02.jpg
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  • Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 03.jpg
    Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 03.jpg
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  • Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 04.jpg
    Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 04.jpg
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  • Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 05.jpg
    Abr Knyn No.12 3-8 05.jpg
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What years was Knyn manufacturing razors?
1860-1890 in a cabin that was mentioned in conjunction with one of his forefathers in the 16th century already. Located at the Wupper, between Solingen and Cronenberg, just east of Grafrath.
1860-1890 in a cabin that was mentioned in conjunction with one of his forefathers in the 16th century already. Located at the Wupper, between Solingen and Cronenberg, just east of Grafrath.
thank you efsk. They are older than I imagined which is incredible.
These were made in a cabin?? The quality is incredible.
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Cabin is the best translation, but in German it is Kotten. A simple house usually with a workplace in there. Most if not all of the Solingen Straight Razormakers worked in such a place. These were often near the river, to use the water to drive the grindingwheel.
I will make a quick summary of the last link, because it is written in German.

It describes the kotten/cabin of Knyn, It is a text from 1922. The kotten was already gone and was described to be of the family Knyn. A history reference 1683/84 Wilhelm Knein. That is even older that it is 1619. It's referenced again in 1856. That both cabins burnt down in 1855. That new cabin were built and ready in 1859. They burnt down again in 1899.

A tax inspector wrote a nivellement (I don't know the german word. Maybe a land inspector report). Described the cabin as being used by as sharpening manafucture in use by Gust. Weck and Abraham Knyn,

The second text from 1973 also talks about the fire in 1855 and says that up to 112 people worked there. At the end 1900 cabin came into ownership of Gustav Paffrath. A police inspection in 1899 described the cabin as in a very bad condition. The walls ware dirty and damaged beyond repair. The internal workings, cleanup and security preventions were not presents. The owner Paffrath promised to stop the use of the cabin on 1 may 1900. But before the date the cabin already burned down.

So the gist is that the family Knyn had a long history of working in knife, tableware making and sharpening. That somewhere after 1889 they were not the owner of the cabin anymore and that by 1899 the building was in a very bad condition.