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I have used "block Osma", wich I think is Potassium alum.
Since a few months, I'm using a no-brand alum block from the local supermarket. I don't know which type of alum that is, but I can't discern the difference anyway. (I still have a very small piece my worn block Osma, and I have compared both.)
I have a potassium alum bar that I picked up a long time ago. Used it just a couple of times and decided it was a waste of my time. If you think you would like it, I will send it to you in a package that will be coming your way soon.
I bought a Shavex brand alum bar it is made with potash I think? It was 12 dollars I think and came with a little case to hold it. I haven't tried it out yet, but will post a little review when I have time.
Used it just a couple of times and decided it was a waste of my time. If you think you would like it, I will send it to you in a package that will be coming your way soon.
That's just too good! :thumbup: Thank you very much Ray, but maybe someone on the other side of the pond will be more in the need of it, I'll get mine here. What made me wonder though, was why you didn't like it at all?
Package... soon... ahhh! :w00t: Please send it as insured package, or contact me before. We've had a serious problem with a strop from Gary, it actually got lost. :thumbdown:
Ok, so I managed to get myself a block of potash alum as well. I am quite satisfied with the use of it, the sting is just enough to feel some action it does, but not uncomfortable. I think it leaves my skin in better condition, less prone to itching.