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Barbers Rattler

Three of them, actually. :love: :love:

One is a standard Wapi, another is a Jowika with currently aluminum scales, and the third a wide Jowika again, with really hideous cheap plastic scales (sorry for ugly scan as well. :blush:



Three of them, actually

Three....! you dirty little devil!:thumbup:

I think its time to save up a bit of money for a restore of my Tally Ho (if it ever gets back from Ralfy`s:lol:)

regards and enjoy the restores Matt
sorry busy life not enough slaves etc etc etc no memory either, was just wondering what the package that would be gathering dust if my wife was not such a domestic goddess was thats sat on the side for a week!!!!
First thing tomorrow honest I swear, and any time you want a hone job its my pleasure of course, and you could have my first born too if he wasnt 22yrs old and didnt think his dad was a tosser haha but thats a different story

Apologetic ramble over
Shit I hate feeling like I let someone down, tell you what your SHITCA Tattoo is on the house, I will even do it while you wait,,,hahaha

Ralfson (Dr)
sorry busy life not enough slaves etc etc etc no memory either, was just wondering what the package that would be gathering dust if my wife was not such a domestic goddess was thats sat on the side for a week!!!!
First thing tomorrow honest I swear, and any time you want a hone job its my pleasure of course, and you could have my first born too if he wasnt 22yrs old and didnt think his dad was a tosser haha but thats a different story

Apologetic ramble over
Shit I hate feeling like I let someone down, tell you what your SHITCA Tattoo is on the house, I will even do it while you wait,,,hahaha

Ralfson (Dr)

Hahaha...I just knew you forgot it:rolleyes:
No worries`s all right. Was just starting to wonder if that darn volcano had jumped ud and eaten it...
Regards and no need to hurry Ralfy
Perfect :thumbup:
Got the small tubs as well my friend :thumbup:
Best regards and many thanks
Ralfson (Dr)
Great Ralfy :thumbup:
Will send some small samples of wood for wedges as well...and for you my brother..._one_ and only one piece of leopard wood( Bought at Ray`s). If planned carefully you should be able to make a set of room for mistakes though:-/ and they cant be mirrored...

Sir Ray...The Barbers Rattler arrived today.. And what a feeling it is to hold it in my hands!
Such a smooth polish,truly bringing out the very best of that wonderful wood. The red liner gives the razor an even more aristocratic look. And I just love the slight..chunkier(?) design.
The balance is spot on and it feels very comfortable indeed.

Tonight its time for a shave..havnt been able to do that for 4-5 days due to a very very bad razor rash(gave the vintage DE a try..shouldt have) and this comes at the perfect time:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Did -offcourse- try a HHT..and ...Ray you sure can hone a razor.

Ray.. I thank you of all my heart and I`m very proud to own such a beautiful, handmade precision instrument. Thank you once again.

Your humble servant

PS..almost forgot it in the excitement: Thank you very much for the extra scales.That is some very interresting patterns in the wood..some kind of ..fungi...erhh fungus..??? And might I ask what type of wood it is? I will make good use of it Sir Ray,thanks. :)
Glad the razor arrived safely. ENJOY!

The extra scales are a set I had laying around and thought you might be interested in trying some work with spalted Pecan. Since you have access to some very nice wood from a local cabinet shop, have them cut you some 1mm strips for backing. Once you get them backed with something you like, let me know and I will instruct you on how to handle the soft spalted parts before you start finishing. Don't worry about the fungus, it is not active, and if it were it has about the same effect as wood dust.

Thanks Ray...I was`nt worried about the fungus,just needed the right word:rolleyes: If Ralfy can handle can I.. haha

And yes...on thursday my friend will take me on a small journey into the exploration of free exotic wood:thumbup: And I work as a volunteer at a place for ..erh..socialy misfortuned people.. that just made a small workshop, with the most needed tools ,so that will be very helpfull instead of "my old freezer workplace.."

Thanks again will be a joy:thumbup:

Kind regards

Yesterday I had the privilege of trying the first shave with the Barbers Rattler.

And lets me asure you guys, that Ray can hone! The edge felt almost scary sharp and melted 4-5 days (had the most awfull shave rash after a DE shave) of hair growth away. The edge just had that subtle feeling of a highly skilled honer. Now I know what sharpness is! A very pleaseant and comfortable experience indeed :thumbup:
Thanks Ray.

Regards from a happy dane:)
I hope to have some strips cut,for backing the spalted pekan,tomorrow.
So I`m awaiting further instructions, in your own time , that is ;)

Kind regards
torbenbp said:
I hope to have some strips cut,for backing the spalted pekan,tomorrow.
So I`m awaiting further instructions, in your own time , that is ;)

Kind regards

No problem. Start a new thread with pictures of your pieces and we will go from there. That way everyone can follow it from start to finish and not mix it up with this thread.

Yes soon as the stripes are cut! And I will try to document the procedure with pictures so other the other guys can see how it done ...or shouldnt be done :rolleyes:

Kind regards wood supplying aquintace let me down the other day...have some wood for the stripes but no means of cutting them no where near 1 mm. 3 mm ca. is the best I can will have patience :)P ) and wait for the right moment.

Will follow your instructions closely. Thanks for spending time with an amateur:thumbup:
Kind regards