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Chinese 12k


Well-Known Member
Greetings, gentlemen

Has anyone of you tried anything beyond Coti, like a Chinese whetstone? I bought one of those without actually knowing much about honing; I haven't got my Cotis yet, but I'm wondering in advance, will it be too wide a gap between grits, or not? These Chinese stones are not of course exact 12k, but really fine finishers, nevertheless. Any experience with such combination?

kind regards,
I used to have a Chinese hone...
I used it after an 8k Naniwa or after my Coti. I don't think it makes that much difference using it after a Coticule with water only. It works differently, leaving a very polished edge, maybe "keener" than that left by the Coti but less smooth.
I would use it as a finisher after a progression of artificial hones, if you prefer absolute keenness.
Used without slurry it's extremely slow, so I don't think you could use it as your only finisher after, say, a BBW.
It's not a funny hone to use, it doesn't offer almost no feedback...
james said:
I used to have a Chinese hone...
I used it after an 8k Naniwa or after my Coti. I don't think it makes that much difference using it after a Coticule with water only. It works differently, leaving a very polished edge, maybe "keener" than that left by the Coti but less smooth.
I would use it as a finisher after a progression of artificial hones, if you prefer absolute keenness.
Used without slurry it's extremely slow, so I don't think you could use it as your only finisher after, say, a BBW.
It's not a funny hone to use, it doesn't offer almost no feedback...
I've never used the Chinese hone, but I am curious, is it anything like using a barber hone?
I have a 6x2 ch12k and i love the feel of this hone it feels very hard but nice and smooth. To be onest i never used it much as i stick with coti and have masterd how to get the most out of it. they both leave a smooth edge and i would say as for keenes the coticule is as keen as you will get if used right so its down to your honing ability. what i will do soon is do a full rehone on coti shave and then do a further 100 laps on my ch12k shave and test and i will post differance if there is any. That will be my next experimant.
garyhaywood said:
I have a 6x2 ch12k and i love the feel of this hone it feels very hard but nice and smooth. To be onest i never used it much as i stick with coti and have masterd how to get the most out of it. they both leave a smooth edge and i would say as for keenes the coticule is as keen as you will get if used right so its down to your honing ability. what i will do soon is do a full rehone on coti shave and then do a further 100 laps on my ch12k shave and test and i will post differance if there is any. That will be my next experimant.
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
I do use the C12k in my progression beyond the Coticule. After I'm done with coti+water, I do about 100 laps on the C12k, then hit a CrOx balsa strop, and then leather.

I did initially do a test where I had 3 identical razors, one went from Coti -> CrOx, the 2nd Coti -> C12k, and the third went Coti -> C12k -> CrOx.

I have never just shaved off the Cticule, but the next razor I get I will try it as well to see what I notice, but from what I did before, I did seem to get a bit of a smoother shave from Coti -> C12k -> CrOx than the others though. I believe I will repeat this this again, and see what I can observe.
garyhaywood said:
I have a 6x2 ch12k and i love the feel of this hone it feels very hard but nice and smooth. To be onest i never used it much as i stick with coti and have masterd how to get the most out of it. they both leave a smooth edge and i would say as for keenes the coticule is as keen as you will get if used right so its down to your honing ability. what i will do soon is do a full rehone on coti shave and then do a further 100 laps on my ch12k shave and test and i will post differance if there is any. That will be my next experimant.

Try this with your Hard Balsa Strop. Come off the Coti, put 3 layers of tape on the spine, do 6 to 10 very light laps on the HBS and then strop on leather as usual and go shave with it.

I have not tried it yet for touchup. I don't see why it won't work though. I have also had great results with just 1 piece of tape.

right ray so if i i've just finished dilucot method by witch i mean finished on water then i add 3 layers of tape and then balsa hone ?
garyhaywood said:
right ray so if i i've just finished dilucot method by witch i mean finished on water then i add 3 layers of tape and then balsa hone ?

Yes. You can even try it with just 1 piece to start. That works good too. Be careful with that Crox I sent you, it is really pure stuff and works very fast. Make sure you use very, very light strokes and only 6 to 10.

Last night I had something really interesting happen. I was honing a couple of Pumas for someone and I used the unicot method. On the second one I added 2 extra layers of tape and did 6 laps on my balsa crox board. After 40 laps on synthetic and 60 on leather, I took a piece of hair and went to check the edge. I grabed the hair 2 inches from the end, by accident, and was getting ready to move my fingers in closer, when the end touched the razors edge and the hair just poped off. Yikes! I have never done this before.

It was late, but I have more razors to do tonight so I can't wait to see if I can duplicate this. No2 is an incredible stone.

btw ray what powder is it i have a tub of hand american crox powder is it the same stuff?

So unicot method you finish on one layer of tape as normal. Then do you add either 1 or 2 layers of tape then do 6 laps on crox balsa hone? or add 6 laps on balsa hone using the original layer of tape plus extra layer which makes it two layers ?
Oops,I've just noticed I had accidentally put this thread in 'Marketplace'. Smythe, Bart, feel free to move it to 'Stones and Hones' if it's possible.
