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Dec. 15th - Dec. 21th 2019


Well-Known Member
Razor: Parker 87R
Blade: Voskhod
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Soap: Beecosmetics Anise & Cedrus
Brush: AP Shave Co Silksmoke Blach Handle
Aftershave:Kruidvat Alum
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave
Aftershave: Cien After Shave Balsem
EDT: No. 1
Have a nice Sunday Gentlemen
  • Floid pre shave oil
  • Pannacrema Ebano
  • Yaqi Moka 26mm finest
  • SWK Basic Scuttle
  • J.ST 6/8 stropped on
  • Black Cordovan strop
  • Tüff No. 1
  • Jean Patou Pour Homme EdT
Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger,
Elly's Baltic Breeze,
Blackbird V2 machined finish 85mm steel,
Derby Premium 7th x,
4711 Real Cologne Water,
Seinz. After Shave Balsam,
Loris E-113 Hermes Terry.


Brush and soap:
Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger and Elly's Baltic Breeze:
The 1st time I used the Baltic Breeze, I wasn't really from the bottom up. This time I have to say, however, that there is a nice smell of something fresh and natural with a good skin feeling. That makes this Ukrainian soap very attractive, especially considering the price. The Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger makes a full rich glycerine foam from the Elly's Baltic Breeze. That's a bonus, because I was about to change these soaps into shower soap. So for now but not yet.
Blade and razor:
The Derby Premium for the 7th x used.
The Derby Premium has had it with this 7th x. Well 7 more than enough turns, so nice blade. There is no need for stock, but if you find them somewhere for less, you can buy them easily, if you are in need of blades. The Blackbird V2 machined finish 85mm handle puts the Derby Premium nicely on the skin and therefore shaves the combi very forgiving and yet effective.
Result: DFS.
Finally: The freshness of the Baltic Breeze is nicely balanced with the 4711 Real Cologne Water. Moisturise and soften with the Seinz. After Shave Balsam and another strong fragrance for the coming hours of the Loris E-113 Hermes Terry. Good start of this lazy Sunday. Don't do anything until we have dinner tonight.

Translated with (free version)

Shaving Soap: Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet

After Shave: Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet
After Shave Balm : Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet
Eau de Toilette: Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 28 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

DE-Razor: Paradigm Diamondback
DE- Blade: Gillette 70’Clock Super Platinum Indian Black 1x
Hi Friends,

today is the 3rd Sunday in Advent, so i wish you all the best. Hope all of you are doing well.

Here is my shave:

Pre-Shave: Furbo Sansdolor
Razor: EJ DE89 + Bulldog Handle
Blade: Sputnik (2)
Soap: Cella Aloe Vera
Brush: Doriancrafts
Aftershave: CHH Tobacco
Pomade: Sweet Georgia Brown
Music: Ludovico Einaudi "I Giorni"

Great shave.

The new Cella lathers up very easy. It is more a cream, than anything else, so you need the minimum amount of it, to get a huge amount of lather. The scent is fresh and smells nice.

The razor in combination with the blade and the shave was very relaxing and enjoyable.

Now i'm waiting for my Rockwell 6S to arrive.

Have a great time, enjoy your shaves and take care.
Razor: Parker 87R
Blade: Voskhod
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Soap: Beecosmetics Anise & Cedrus
Brush: AP Shave Co Silksmoke Blach Handle
Aftershave:Kruidvat Alum
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave
Aftershave: Cien After Shave Balsem
EDT: No. 1

Pre-Shave: Housemade oil
Shaving Soap: Stirling Christmas Eve

After Shave Balm : Stirling Christmas Eve

Shaving Brush: Proraso

DE-Razor: Paradigm Diamondback
DE- Blade: Gillette 70’Clock Super Platinum Indian Black 2x
Mühle Silvertip Fibre® 21mm,
Wickham Soap Sheridan's,
Apollo OC,
Gillette Rubie® Platinum Plus 1st x,
Rebul Dark Spice,
Seinz. After Shave Balsam,
Loris E-181 Noir Man.


Brush and soap:
Mühle Silvertip Fibre® 21mm and Wickham Soap Sheridan's:
Nice spicy start of this shaving week. With the Mühle Silvertip Fibre® 21mm the Wickham Soap Sheridan's are beaten into a nice foam. That's easy with this soap. They don't make it that way anymore, but I like it a nice soap with a full oriental and earthy scent.
Blade and razor:
The Gillette Rubie® Platinum Plus for the first time used.
To calibrate the blade feeling again, I took a Gillette Rubie® Platinum Plus. For me this is a good blade, with which I can always shave well. Then, once again, the chaff separates itself from the wheat. The combination of Apollo OC with Gillette Rubie® Platinum Plus is simply very good. Old razor, new blade: great tools.
Result: BBS.
Finally: Spicy finish with the Rebul Dark Spice, Seinz. After Shave Balsam and the Loris E-181 Noir Man. Absolutely good.

Tonights ingredients. It has been ages since I used a cream....well at least a few months. Kind of forgot how nice the Arlington was.
Took me some time to dial in the right amount of water. I tend to use too little water building my lathers. Usually on pass 3 it’s just to stop doing that.
The combination of razor and cream was excellent for getting rid of a few days of growth though.
Razor: Parker 87R
Blade: Voskhod
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: Edwin Jagger
Soap: Beecosmetics Anise & Cedrus
Brush: AP Shave Co Silksmoke Blach Handle
Aftershave:Kruidvat Alum
Aftershave: Cien Aftershave
Aftershave: Cien After Shave Balsem
EDT: No. 1
AP Shave Co Synbad 30 mm
Mama Bears - Autumn Afternoon
Paradigm Diamondback
Lord Classic Super Stainless (1)
Humprey’s Astringent
Myrsol Don Miguel 1919 + Emulsion

The Paradigm this morning did the job wonderfully well. An effortless BBS in cooperation with the Lord blade. Very satisfied when leaving the bath room. Have a good day!
